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Sara Jo Easton

“Your love will keep you both strong when all else fails.”
Sara Jo Easton
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“All mothers are proud of their children, Jena. I would have been very proud of my child if I had gotten the chance to know him or her. Someday, if you become a mother, you will be proud of your children. It is just the way mothers are.”
Sara Jo Easton
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“Well, a man has to have his limits somewhere, and being shoved into a hole in the wall is mine.”
Sara Jo Easton
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“All of you can only dream of having a star bright enough to outshine Jena’s, for in spite of your demon queen, she smiled.”
Sara Jo Easton
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“First of all, I am not the Fire Prince; that implies I’m inheriting the Fire Queen’s rule after she is gone, and I will not. I refuse, because Rulsaesan is the true ruler of this Sandleyr. Secondly, I cannot have whomever I want in the Sandleyr, because the Fire Queen would see her as a threat to her rule and make certain that her spirit was killed. If I had feelings for anyone in this Sandleyr, she would never know. I refuse to let anyone get hurt on my account.”
Sara Jo Easton
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