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Sara Shepard

Sara Shepard graduated from NYU and has an MFA from Brooklyn College. She has lived in New York City, Brooklyn, Tucson, Arizona, Philadelphia, and now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Sara's Pretty Little Liars novels were inspired by her upbringing in Philadelphia's Main Line.

“I don't know what to do,' she finished. 'I feel like I'm the one who has to keep everyone together.”
Sara Shepard
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“Before Ethan went all Incredible Hulk on Thayer’s ass, the most exciting thing to happen was a spray-cheese fight some of the morons from the wrestling team got into on the back patio.”
Sara Shepard
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“Last but not least, she put on a pair of black-framed reading glasses she’d found on Mr. Mercer’s bedside table. If it worked for Clark Kent, it’d work for her.”
Sara Shepard
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“But you can't make someone be something they're not.”
Sara Shepard
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“I'm just saying -- you can't prevent other people from disappointing you. It's bound to happen at some point. We're all only human. What you can do is decide how you're going to deal with it.”
Sara Shepard
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“It's not fun to keep secrets, but sometimes you have to do it to protect yourself. And to protect people around you. - Meredith, p112”
Sara Shepard
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“How could any of us truly appreciate our lives if we had nothing else to compare them to?”
Sara Shepard
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“That was the thing about guys, though: Sometimes, they had the emotional depth of a flea.”
Sara Shepard
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“It’s not so important who starts the game but who finishes it.”
Sara Shepard
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“Knowing the right questions is better than knowing all the right answers" Caleb from Pretty Little Liars (TV Show)”
Sara Shepard
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“Sometimes, a family is like an ear of summer corn: It might look perfect on the outside, but when you peel the husk away. every kernel is rotten.”
Sara Shepard
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“...the only way to keep your secrets safe is to have none at all...”
Sara Shepard
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“If the next car passed is blue, Violet will be okay, she thought. If it's red, A will do something horrible to her. She heard a growl of an engine and shut her eyes, afraid to see what the future might hold. She'd never cared so much about anything in her life. Just as the car was passing, she opened her eyes and saw a Mercedes hood ornament. She let out a long sigh, tears coming to her eyes once more.The car was blue.”
Sara Shepard
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“Fine,' Aria conceded. 'But *I'll* carry her.' She grabbed the baby seeat from the back. A smell of baby powder wafted up to greet her, bringing a lump in her throat. Her father Byron, and his girlfriend, Meredith, had just had a baby, and she loved Lola with all her heart. If she looked too long at this baby, she might love her just as much.”
Sara Shepard
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“Never trust a pretty little liars even though they might be right.”
Sara Shepard
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“when I hide something, it stays hid, until I want it found.”
Sara Shepard
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“Whatever baggage you have, use it. Conquer it. Don’t let it stop you.”
Sara Shepard
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“Spencer, you do not need to know any more big words. You're already scary enough to anyone under 50.”
Sara Shepard
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“You should know the truth about the stars--- even though it seems like they're close together, up there in heavens, they're zillion light years apart.”
Sara Shepard
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“She felt like Lady in Lady and the Tramp, one of Hanna's favorite movies as a kid. When Jim Dear and Darling had a new baby, they kicked Lady to the curb. Except Hanna didn't even have a scruffy bad-boy stray she could run off with because her supposed boyfriend was going to be hundreds of miles away soaking up sunshine on a nude beach with a skank.”
Sara Shepard
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“It's about taking everything you thought was true and throwing it out the window. It's about embracing life's unpredictability, letting go of boundaries, and starting over”
Sara Shepard
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“I understood we used to be close. But they were like books i'd read two summer ago; I knew I'd liked them, but I couldn't tell you now what they'd been about.”
Sara Shepard
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“The air smelled like a mélange of everyone's perfume and hair products, with a slight undertone of booze.”
Sara Shepard
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“Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.”
Sara Shepard
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“Every pretty girl is a heartbreaker”
Sara Shepard
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“semakin banyak anda membaca,semakin banyak ilmu yang akan anda perolehi”
Sara Shepard
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“SPENCER: Hide and seek was my favorite game with Melissa. You want to know why? I always won.”
Sara Shepard
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“,the rest of the girls pretended not to notice. That's just what best friends do.”
Sara Shepard
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“My enemies are everywhere. And sometimes, those we least suspect turn out to be our biggest threats.”
Sara Shepard
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“Pull yourself together, bitch. He's just a guy.”
Sara Shepard
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“Hannakins: I know you guys are living out your own private Romeo and Juliet love story, but remember: Both of them die in Act V. -A”
Sara Shepard
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“But then Klaudia's lips curled ino a conniving smile."Actually, Aria, I'm going to fuck your boyfriend. Tonight."Aria started at her. It felt like Klaudia had just punched her in the throat. "Excuse me?"Klaudia scooted closer to Aria. "I'm going to fuck your boyfried," she said again -in textbook-perfect English. "Tonight. And there's nothing you can do about it.”
Sara Shepard
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“The best secrets are the most twisted”
Sara Shepard
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“Hey!' she said, punching Hanna's arm hard. 'Where have you been, bitch? I've been looking all over for you!”
Sara Shepard
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“She hated their new nickname. It made them sound like deranged Barbie dolls.”
Sara Shepard
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“Ew, no!' Laurel said, brushing past him. Dracula covered half his face with his cape, shunned vampire-style, and scooted away to his perch behind the counter.”
Sara Shepard
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“When the game ended, Mike laid down his control paddle. "So you've met the Nordic goddess, right?"Aria glanced up at him warily. "Excuse me?"Mike rolled his eyes. "Duh. Klaudia, which I'm pretty sure is Scandinavian for sex vixen.”
Sara Shepard
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“Penn station", Ali said to the driver, slamming the door. Then she turned back to Hanna. "We ditch the bitches", she said. "And then we take them down".”
Sara Shepard
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“Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies.”
Sara Shepard
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“There's a lot you can't tell about people, looking in from the outside"-Hanna”
Sara Shepard
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“Mike drank straight from the carton, wiped his mouth, and stared at her. "You've been acting freaky. Are you high? Can I have some if you are?”
Sara Shepard
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“Before you enbark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
Sara Shepard
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“No one believes a liar. Even when she's telling the truth.”
Sara Shepard
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“There are some remedies worse than disease.”
Sara Shepard
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“The obstacle is the path.”
Sara Shepard
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“Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.”
Sara Shepard
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“But Mike was like a Bjork song-all happy and giddy and fun on the surface, but bubbling with turmoil and pain underneath.”
Sara Shepard
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“She knew too much. -A”
Sara Shepard
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“Hell is other people.”
Sara Shepard
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“Sutton's dead. Tell no one. Keep playing along... or you're next.”
Sara Shepard
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