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Sara Winters

I read. I write. I talk too much and don't blog nearly as much as I should. And my muse consists of several voices in my head with a moody ringleader. Don't be scared of the voices. They mean well (most of the time).

I write romance, erotic romance, fantasy, mainstream fiction and the rare spiritual fiction.

You can find me at my website, facebook (profile)/ page, and twitter.


How I rate books:

5 stars - Loved. With a passion. These are books I probably stayed up all night to finish. They made me cry, laugh, stop breathing or a combination of the three.

4 stars - Liked a great deal, but something (maybe something small) kept me from giving it another star. Still amazing books.

3 stars - Some of these I like well enough, but don't love. Some I have mixed feelings about, but don't want to give 2 stars.

2 stars - I tried to like it. I may have forced myself to finish it. Major issues with plot, characters, editing or all of the above kept me from rating higher.

1 star - I'm trying to stay away from giving these out, but these are for books I felt wasted my time and/or money. There may be a few I didn't finish, but those are rare. Mostly these are books that not only didn't resonate with me, but I hated them after a certain point for multiple reasons.

Unrated - I wrote it.

Or, the book was unusual in some way (characters or plot). I don't want to give it a low star rating because the writing wasn't bad, it just didn't appeal to my particular tastes.

“He could never know how beautiful he was in these moments, and Devin couldn't bring himself to say anything. What would he say? “I've always noticed you, but never thought I deserved someone like you?” That wasn't right. It was cheesy and over-the-top, and still somehow inadequate to describe the maelstrom of emotions he felt when he was around Sam. Mike made it seem simple, but it wasn't. This wasn't like hooking up with a hot guy he'd met on the dance floor, it was Sam. The sweet, cerebral, quiet man who'd been his friend for nearly two years and somehow managed to sneak out of the friend box into this no man's land where every word, every gesture was a promise Devin wasn't sure he could keep.”
Sara Winters
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“Are you bothered because he says he could see us together? Or is there something else?”Sam's voice had grown quieter with that last question. Devin looked up from the board to see something he'd never thought he'd see from Sam. An expression that, on anyone else, would've been more than curious. It was open, vulnerable. A naked longing that disappeared as soon as Devin was sure he knew what it was, to be replaced by Sam pressing his lips together and looking down at the board again.Wow. Okay. That made this conversation a hell of a lot more interesting. Maybe Sam had spent so much time analyzing Devin because he wanted to know if he had a chance. Devin wasn't sure how he felt about that.“I'm not in love with the idea that you guys have talked about me,” Devin said. “It's strange.”“I'm sorry our conversation made you feel that way,” Sam said. “I honestly wouldn't have said anything if you didn't want to know.”“I know, I asked for it,” Devin responded. “” Dev looked up in time to see Sam's expression change before the mask slid back into place. “You don't think it's weird?”Sam's lips trembled as he fought down a smile. “I think,” he began, reaching across the table, “life is full of possibilities.” He touched the back of Devin's hand with the tips of his fingers, gently stroking the skin. “If this isn't one you want to take advantage of, then you shouldn't feel pressured to do so.”It wasn't Devin's imagination that the temperature in the room had risen. It was one thing when Sam was getting into his head on a purely academic level. It was another thing when Sam looked at him from beneath thick lashes as if he could unravel Devin from the inside out if given half the chance. And he so wanted that chance. Holy hell. The little nerd was trying to seduce him.”
Sara Winters
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“Kurt dreamt about more than the rough squeeze of James's hands over his jeans. He dreamt of the warmth of his tongue and a sharp bite from his teeth in sensitive places. He dreamt of taking it further, a thought that held more of the sharp edges of delicious reality than any previous fantasy. Finally, he'd dreamt of feeling James's arms around him as he slept, feeling at once safe and needed, as if every worry could be erased if the right person cared for him.”
Sara Winters
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“If you're not honest about what you want, you're never going to get anywhere.”
Sara Winters
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“Marc had grown up, gotten away from the partying lifestyle that made him feel as if his mere presence was a gift to those around him and knew himself for what he'd truly been back then. A fool. Hopelessly in love with a friend who'd never wanted more from him than he'd already given. This weekend, Marc hoped to change that.”
Sara Winters
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“I can't write to please everyone, but someone, somewhere will be touched if I put my heart into it.”
Sara Winters
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“Before he could stop himself, Carlos pulled Michael down into a kiss, letting his lips and tongue communicate everything he'd been bottling up for days – months, if he was being honest with himself. Michael responded with a tenderness that begged to be answered, plying his mouth with soft, teasing kisses until Carlos pulled away, moving until their lips were a hairsbreadth apart.“We don't have to stop,” Michael whispered.”
Sara Winters
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