Sarah Arthur is a fun-loving speaker and the author of a dozen books for teens and adults, including the bestselling "Walking with Frodo: A Devotional Journey Through The Lord of the Rings." Among other nerdy adventures, she has served as preliminary fiction judge for Christianity Today’s Book Awards, was a founding board member of the annual C. S. Lewis Festival in northern Michigan, and co-directs the Madeleine L’Engle Writing Retreats. She lives in Lansing, Michigan with her husband and two preteen sons.
Sarah is represented by the Joy Harris Literary Agency. "Once a Queen" is her long-awaited debut YA novel, the first in a series from WaterBrook/Penguin Random House.
“You are small. Your foe is big. But your God is bigger still.”
“There’s nothing more ridiculously juvenile than people thinking they have to be grown up and serious when it comes to living the Christian life.”
“The basic principles of logic dictate that a statement cannot be both true and false at the same time... and that a statement must be either true or false... Lucy is lying, or she is crazy, or she is telling the truth. She can’t be some combination, and she can’t be none of those things... The laws of logic dictate that she must be one of them... Notice how practical common sense about the suposed impossibility of other worlds doesn’t come into the equation.”
“In short, you can’t have the truths without the Truth. Either Jesus is telling the truth about Himself, or He is lying about everything else too. None of this business about Jesus being merely an enlightened Buddha of sorts, offering wiser-than-average insights into how to live a healthy, balanced life. None of this quoting Jesus in order to make your own point about justice or fairness or peace on earth when you don’t really believe what Jesus said about Himself.”
“...we hunger for other worlds. We long to go beyond the streets we know, beyond our familiar woods and fields, and into the land of Faerie; to Middle-earth, Narnia, or Summerland; to the kingdom east of the sun and west of the moon. This longing isn’t incidental.”
“Just because your faith is shaken doesn’t mean the faith is shaken. The eternal truths of the Kingdom aren’t altered or affected by the experience that shook your beliefs.”
“Funny how it all turns to theological babble the more we try to identify just exactly what we’re talking about with this whole law business. No wonder C.S. Lewis wrote a story instead! Sure, he tackled the issue of moral law in Mere Christianity too. But nothing sticks in our imaginations quite so clearly as the sight of the White Witch, her bare arms raised above her head, standing over the willing, innocent, self-sacrificing Lion on the Stone Table.”
“All fairy tales, Tolkien argued, echo the gospel of Jesus Christ in some way because the gospel is the True Story; it’s the real fairy tale that crashed into the time line of history... ‘The heart of Christianity is a myth which is also a fact,’ Lewis wrote”
“...God sent His Prince, Jesus, into rebel territory to conquer evil and free us to be true citizens of the Kingdom again... That’s the essential story we find in the Bible, and it’s the essential story at the heart of each of our lives. And that’s what all good fantasy stories have at their core, whether or not it’s a conscious theme.”
“And that’s what we’re truly longing for. On those weekends when we’re suddenly gripped with the urge to watch all three extended editions of The Lord of the Rings, what we really want, deep down inside (besides therapy), is the assurance that there is a realm someplace where evil has been conquered once and for all.”
“While the Witch plays her pawn, the King sacrifices Himself, and to all appearances, the game is over. But the Lion has one last move...”
“If only life were more on the scale of Orlando Bloom taking down the giant Oliphaunt in The Return of the King rather than the usual, tedious mall-crawl with the Abercrombie crowd! We often wish the daily grind held a greater resemblance to all those fantasy worlds we’ve come to love, don’t we? In our more desperate moments, we’re tempted to walk smack into pillars at subway stations, just to see if we end up at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. And which of us, at some point in our not-so-distant childhood (yes, let’s be honest!), hasn’t pushed aside the coats in a closet, hoping to find an entrance to another world?”
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; which means that if the rest of us want to get close to God, we seek them out-not because of what we could possible offer them, as if we're the spiritual first responders on the scene to save the day, but because we recognize how much they have to teach us about who God really is." -Quoted by Sarah Arthur, Author of The One Year Daily Grind.”