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Sarah Dessen

“Because if you were the problem, chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Life is full of screwups," he said, chucking another paper at the split-level before taking the corner. "You're supposed to fail sometimes. It's a required part of the human existence.”
Sarah Dessen
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“What do you do when you finally hear everything you've always thought said aloud?”
Sarah Dessen
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“The truth was, I wasn't sure. But I wanted to keep believing people could change, and it was certainly easier to do so when you were in the midst of it.”
Sarah Dessen
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“call it chicken salad”
Sarah Dessen
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“If what you're asking is how I debated whether or not to love her the answer is I didn't. Not at all. It just happened. I didn't ever question it; by the time I realized what was happening, it was already done.”
Sarah Dessen
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“When I pictured myself, it was always like just an outline in a colouring book, with the inside not yet completed.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Because you have to just go with the flow. Your life is not your own, with people coming in and out all the time. You get mellow because you have to.”
Sarah Dessen
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“But you only get so many do-overs in this life, so many chances to, if not change your past, alter your future.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Events conspired to bring you back to where you'd been. It was what you did then that made all the difference: it was all about potential.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It was so easy to disown what you couldn't recognize, to keep yourself apart from things that were foreign and unsettling. The only person you can be sure to control, always, is yourself. Which is a lot to be sure of, but at the same time, not enough.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Isn't it weird," I said, "the way you remember things, when someone's gone?"What do you mean?"I ate another piece of waffle. "When my dad first died, all I could think about was that day. It's taken me so long to be able to think back to before that, to everything else."Wes was nodding before I even finished. "It's even worse when someone's sick for a long time," he said. "You forget they were ever healthy, ever okay. It's like there was never a time when you weren't waiting for something awful to happen."But there was," I said. "I mean, it's only been in the last few months that I've started remembering all this good stuff, funny stuff about my dad. I can't believe I ever forgot it in the first place."You didn't forget," Wes said, taking a sip of his water. "You just couldn't remember right then. But now you're ready to, so you can."I thought about this as I finished off my waffle.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Honestly," I said.What?"Come on. You have to admit it's sort of ridiculous."What is?"Now that I had to define it, I found myself struggling for the right words. "You know," I said, then figured Kristy had really summed it up best. "The sa-woon."The what?"Wes, come on," I said. "Are you seriously not aware of how girls stare at you?”
Sarah Dessen
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“After all, it's all kinds of things that make up a life, right? The big, like falling in love and spending time with your family, and the blow drying your hair, applying concealer, and cursing those magazine inserts. It all counts. It has to.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Because you can never go from going out to being friends, just like that. It's a lie. It's just something that people say they'll do to take the permanence out of a breakup. And someone always takes it to mean more than it does, and then is hurt even more when, inevitably, said ‘friendly' relationship is still a major step down from the previous relationship, and it's like breaking up all over again. But messier.”
Sarah Dessen
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“He was not my boyfriend. On the other hand, he wasn't just a friend either. Instead, our relationship was elastic, stretching between those two extremes depending on who else was around, how much either of us had to drink, and other varying factors. This was exactly what I wanted, as commitments had never really been my thing. And it wasn't like it was hard, either. The only trick was never giving more than you were willing to lose.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Once, this had been the life I’d wanted. Even chosen. Now, though, I couldn’t believe that there had been a time when this kind of monotony and silence, this most narrow of existences, had been preferable. Then again, once, I’d never known anything else.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Maybe it was true, and being a girl could be about interest rates and skinny jeans, riding bikes and wearing pink. Not about any one thing, but everything.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Maybe marriage, like life, isn't only about the big moments, whether they be good or bad. Maybe it's all the small things—like being guided slowly forward, surely, day after day—that stretches out to strengthen even the most tenuous bond.”
Sarah Dessen
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“My mother was strong, in all the ways I was weak. She fell, she hurt, she felt. She lived. And for all the tumble of her experiences, she still had hope. Maybe this next time would do the trick. Or maybe not. But unless you stepped into the game, you will never know.”
Sarah Dessen
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“D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Austin... and you. I'll be there soon.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I know there were no guaratnees. No way of knowing what came next for me, or him, or anything. Some things dont last forever, but some things do. Like a great song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down the corners and peering close, hoping you still see the person you see there . . . That was the thing, you just never knew. Right now, though, I wanted not to think forward or backward, but only to lose myself in the words.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I knew that in the silence that followed, that anything could happen here. It might be too late again. I might have missed my chance. But I would at least know I tried, that I took my heart and extended my hand, whatever the outcome.”
Sarah Dessen
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“As for me, I was just trying to get it right, whatever that means. But now I finally felt I was on my way. Everyone had a forever, but given a choice, this would be mine. The one that began in this moment, with Wes, in a kiss that took my breath away, then gave it back - leaving meastounded, amazed and most of all, alive.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Here was a boy who liked flaws, who saw them not as failings but as strengths. Who knew such a person could exist, or what would have happened if we'd found each other under different circumstances? Maybe in a perfect world. But not in this one.”
Sarah Dessen
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“You couldn't just pick and choose at will when someone depended on you, or loved you. It wasn't like a light switch, easy to turn on or off. If you were in, you were in. Out, you were out.”
Sarah Dessen
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“So maybe it wasn't the fairy tale. But those stories weren't real anyway. Mine were.”
Sarah Dessen
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“The basic fact is that no, this isnt ideal. Very few things are. Sometimes, you have to manufacture your own history. Give fate a push,so to speak.-Heidi”
Sarah Dessen
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“It didn't make you noble to step away from something that wasn't working, even if you thought you were the reason for the malfunction. Especially then. It just made you a quitter. Because if you were the problem, chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It shouldn't be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder―or impossible―to lose.”
Sarah Dessen
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“An ending was an ending. No matter how many pages of sentences and paragraphs of great stories led up to it, it would always have the last word.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Life is full of screwups. You're supposed to fail sometimes. It's a required part of the human existance.”
Sarah Dessen
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“But sometimes you lose. Nothing you can do but admit it.-Eli”
Sarah Dessen
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“Relationships dont always make sense. Especially from the outside”
Sarah Dessen
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“Friends are honest with each other. Even if the truth hurts.-Maggie”
Sarah Dessen
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“Who says there has to be a point?" He asked. "Or a reason. Maybe it's just something you have to do.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Why does she have wings?'So she can fly.”
Sarah Dessen
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“But I saw Blake earlier and he said he and Nate were taking off for an overnight business thing. So...""... you're just going to jump their fence and their pool," I finished for her.Silence. Then Jamie said, "It's twenty-five degrees! In December! Do you know what this means?""The apocalypse?”
Sarah Dessen
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“She fell, she hurt, she felt. She lived. And for all the tumble of her experiences, she still had hope. Maybe this next time would do the trick. Or maybe not. But unless you stepped into the game, you would never know.”
Sarah Dessen
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“That was the thing. You just never knew. Forever was so many different things. It was always changing, it was what everything was really all about.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I had stepped into his arms, showing him my raw, broken heart.”
Sarah Dessen
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“The girl in the tight black dress was passing by us now, eyeing Wes and walking entirely too slowly. "Hi," she said, and he nodded at her but didn't reply. Knew it, I thought.Honestly," I said.What?"Come on. You have to admit, it's sort of ridiculous."What is?"Now that I had to define it, I found myself struggling for the right words. "You know," I said, then figured Kristy had really summed it up best. "The sa-woon."The what?”
Sarah Dessen
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“But if something was really important, fate made sure it somehow came back to you and gave you another chance.”
Sarah Dessen
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“That's not a real answer.'Says who?'Says me. I mean real fear, like of failure, of death, of regret. Like that. Something that keeps you awake nights, questioning your very existence.'Clowns.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I meant what I said to you. I wasn't playing some kind of summer game. Everything I said was true, from the first day. EVERY GODDAMN WORD.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Life has a way of disregarding even your best intentions.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Being brave and self-confident doesn't necessarily start inside...It starts with the rest of the world, and it leads back to you.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I thought this was a cookout. You know, dogs and burgers, Tater Tots, ambrosia salad" Dexter picked up a box of Twinkies, tossing them into the cart. "And Twinkies." "It is,"..."Except that it's a cookout thrown by my mother." "And?" "And my mother doesn't cook." He looked at me waiting. "At all. My mother doesn't cook at all." "She must cook sometimes." "Nope." "Everyone can make scrambled eggs, Remy. It's programmed into you at birth, the default setting. Like being able to swim and knowing not to mix pickles with oatmeal. You just KNOW.”
Sarah Dessen
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“If you could just be nice, then you wouldn't have to worry about arguments at all. but being nice wasn't as easy as it seemed, especially when the rest of the world could be so mean.”
Sarah Dessen
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“She knew I could tell with one glance, one look, one simple instant. It was her eyes. Despite the thick makeup, they were still dark-rimmed., haunted, and sad. Most of all though, they were familiar. The fact that we were in front of hundreds of strangers changed nothing at all. I'd spent a summer with those same eyes-scared, lost, confused-staring back at me. I would have known them anywhere.”
Sarah Dessen
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