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Sarah Dessen

“Eventually, it wasn't even your dad I wanted, just anybody. Anybody at all.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It doesn't matter, anyway, why you like me. Just that you do.”
Sarah Dessen
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“No one could tell you: you just had to go through it on your own. If you were lucky, you came out on the other side and understood. If you didn't, you kept getting thrust back, retracing those steps, until you finally got it right.”
Sarah Dessen
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“He always did the leaving. But not this time. She kept walking, and did not look back.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I remembered Owen telling me how music had saved him in Phoenix, that it drowned everything out, and it was the same for me now. As long as I had something to listen to, I could blur the things I didn't want to think about, if not block them out completely.”
Sarah Dessen
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“what you have to decide, is how you want your life to be. if your forever was ending tomorrow, would this b the way you'd want to have spent it?”
Sarah Dessen
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“I like flaws. I think they make things interesting.”
Sarah Dessen
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“That was the thing. You never got used to it, the idea of someone being gone. Just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you, and it just hits you all over again, that shocking.”
Sarah Dessen
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“But that was the problem with having the answers. It was only after you gave them that you realized they sometimes weren't what people wanted to hear.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I'm really interested in the idea of anomynity and familiarity. And sunglasses, you know, are so indicatitve of that. I mean, they're worn by some people to hide themselves. But they're also a fashion statement, meant to be noticed. So there's a dichotomy there.”
Sarah Dessen
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“You knew the truth all along, Colie. That's all matters. You knew.”
Sarah Dessen
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“If you expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that's what makes you strong.”
Sarah Dessen
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“But if everything was always smooth and perfect, you'd get too used to that, you know? You have to have a little bit of disorganization now and then. Otherwise, you'll never really enjoy it when things go right.”
Sarah Dessen
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“He wasn't the type for displays of affection, either verbal or not. He was disgusted by couples that made out in the hallways between classes, and got annoyed at even the slightest sappy moments in movies. But I knew he cared about me: he just conveyed it more subtly, as concise with expressing this emotion as he was with everything else. It was in the way he'd put his hand on the small of my back, for instance, or how he'd smile at me when I said something that surprised him. Once I might have wanted more, but I'd come around to his way of thinking in the time we'd been together. And we were together, all the time. So he didn't have to prove how he felt about me. Like so much else, I should just know.”
Sarah Dessen
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“And so really, you have given me no choice but to take you shopping byforce.” She sighed, then reached up, dropping her sunglasses down fromtheir perch on her head to cover her eyes. “Do you even realize how happythe average teenage girl would be in your shoes? I have a credit card. We’reat the mall. I want to buy you things. It’s like adolescent nirvana.”- Cora”
Sarah Dessen
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“I always tried to imagine what it would be like to open your door to find something you had given up on. maybe it had seen places you never had, been rerouted and passed through so many strange hands, but still somehow found its way back to you, all before the day even began. ”
Sarah Dessen
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“It took a lot of work to be perfect. If you didn’t want to break a sweat, there was no point in even bothering.”
Sarah Dessen
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“When you had to do something, you had to do it. And eventually, if you were lucky, you did it well.”
Sarah Dessen
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“This was just one night, one chance to vary and see where it took me. The fireflies were probably already out: maybe it wasn’t just a season or a time but a whole world I’d forgotten. I’d never know until I stepped out into it. So I did.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Writing a novel is like childbirth: once you realize how awful it really is, you never want to do it again.”
Sarah Dessen
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“There were so many people, so much to navigate, and as the distance fluctuated between us his hand kept slipping, down my arm to my wrist. And maybe he was going to let go as people pressed in on all sides, but all I could think was how when nothing made sense and hadn't for ages, you just have to grab onto anything you feel sure of. So as I felt his fingers loosening around my wrist, I just wrapped my own around them, right, and held on”
Sarah Dessen
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“It's not always easy being her daughter.' I think,' she said, 'sometimes it's hard no matter whose daughter you are.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It's gonna be okay," I said. It was the first time in a long time that I believed it. "It will.”
Sarah Dessen
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“You and Wes," she said, triumphant, "are just likethis ."She was holding a book, a paperback romance. The title, emblazoned in gold across the cover, wasForbidden, and the picture beneath it was of a man in a pirate outfit, eye patch and all, clutching a small, extremelybusty woman to his chest. In the background, there was a deserted island surrounded by blue water."We're pirates?" I said.She tapped the book with one fingernail. "This story," she said, "is all about two people who can't be togetherbecause of other circumstances. But secretly, they pine and lust for each other constantly, the very fact thattheir love is forbidden fueling their shared passion.""Did you just make that up?""No," she said, flipping the book over to read the back cover. "It's right here! And it's totally you and Wes.You can't be together, which is exactly why you want to be. And why you can't admit it to us, because thatwould make it less secret and thus less passionate.”
Sarah Dessen
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“That sucks, though," Wes said finally, his voice low. "You're just setting yourself up to fail, because you'llnever get everything perfect.""Says who?"He just looked at me. "The world," he said, gesturing all around us, as if this party, this deck encompassed itall. "The universe. There's just no way. And why would you want everything to be perfect, anyway?""I don't want everything to be perfect," I said. Just me, I thought. Somehow. "I just want—”
Sarah Dessen
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“Okay, so if that's not real, whatis? What counts, to you?"He thought for a second, then said, "I don't know. Just because someone's pretty doesn't mean she's decent.Or vice versa. I'm not into appearances. I like flaws, I think they make things interesting."I wasn't sure what answer I'd expected. But this wasn't it. For a second, I just sat there, letting it sink in."You know," I said finally, "saying stuff like that would make girls even crazier for you. Now you're cuteandsomewhat more attainable. If you were appealing before, now you're off the charts.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Donneven," I said, in my best Monica imitation, and he laughed. "We're not talking about me.""We could be," he said, as I watched Bert take note of a group of what looked like ninth graders who had justcome into the living room."I'm not gorgeous," I said."Sure you are."I just shook my head, knowing this was him evading the question. "You," I said, "have this whole tall, darkstranger thing going on. Not to mention the tortured artist bit.""Bit?""You know what I mean."He shook his head, clearly discounting this description. "And you," he said, "have that whole blonde, cooland collected, perfect smart girl thing going on.""You're the boy all the girls want to rebel with," I said."You," he replied, "are the unattainable girl in homeroom who never gives a guy the time of day.”
Sarah Dessen
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“She shook her head. "Look. We both know life is short, Macy. Too short to waste a single second with anyonewho doesn't appreciate and value you. ""You said the other day life was long," I shot back. "Which is it?""It's both," she said, shrugging. "It all depends on how you choose to live it. It's like forever, alwayschanging.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Too many locks, not enough keys.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Maybe the truth was, it shouldn't be so easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder--if not impossible--to lose.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Maybe not," she said as we came to the car. "But maybe that isn't so bad. You can't love anyone that way more than once in a lifetime. It's too hard and it hurts too much when it ends. The first boy is always the hardest to get over, Haven. It's just the way the world works.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It's so easy to get caught up in what people expect of you. Sometimes, you can just lose yourself.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Theres this other half of him i dont know of, its like he is trying it keep it a secret.... if he would just let me inside so i can help”
Sarah Dessen
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“This world is an awful/ugly place not to have a best friend.”
Sarah Dessen
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“You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place.”
Sarah Dessen
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“There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you've carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Behind the camera, I was invisible. When I lifted it up to my eye it was like I crawled into the lens, losing myself there. and everything else fell away.”
Sarah Dessen
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“And she was good to me: strong, fun, and fiercely loyal. And if I didn't have many other friends because of her-most girls were intimidated by her looks, or thought she was too pushy, or just flat-out feared for their boyfriends-it never bothered me. I never missed having a wide, thick circle of girlfriends: Rina was more than enough. We were comfortable with each other's flaws and weaknesses, so we stuck together and kept to ourselves.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Guess what?" Maggie said as soon as I walked into Celmentine's."What?"She clapped her hands. "I have a date to the prom!""Guess what?" I replied."What?""I don't." Her mouth dropped open. "Oh, and," I added, "I bought a bike.".... "Okay, let's just slow down." She held up her hands, palms facing me. "First things first. What do you mean, you don't have a date?""Just that," I said, sitting down at the desk. "Jason bailed on me.""Again?"I nodded."When?""About twenty minutes ago.""Oh, my God." She put her hand over her mouth: her expression was so horrified, like someone had died. "That's the worst thing ever.""No," I said, swallowing. "It's actually not.""No?"I shook my head. "The worst thing is that right afterward, I marched right into the bike shop and asked Eli to go with me, and he said no."She threw up her other hand, clapping it over the one already covering her mouth. "Holy crap," she said, her voice muffled. "Where does the bike come in?""I don't know," I said, waving my hand. "That part's kind of a blur.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Funny how a beautiful song could tell such an ugly story.”
Sarah Dessen
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“If you're not getting hurt, you're not riding hard enough.”
Sarah Dessen
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“I bet you can't eat ten bananas!""I bet you're right.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Story of my life.”
Sarah Dessen
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“Look,” he said, “the point is there’s no way to be a hundred percent sure about anyone or anything. So you’re left with a choice. Either hope for the best, or just expect the worst.”If you expect the worst, you’re never disappointed,” I pointed out.Yeah, but who lives like that?”
Sarah Dessen
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“As I rolled over, stretching out, my only thought was to go back to the dream I'd been having, which I couldn't remember, other than that it had been good, in that distant, hopeful way unreal things can be.”
Sarah Dessen
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“It all counts,' Adam said again. 'And the bottom line is, what defines you isn't how many times you crash, but the number of times you get back on the bike. As long as it's one more, you're all good.-pg 325 Along for the Ride”
Sarah Dessen
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“This is a 911? You know you only text that when someone is dead or dying. You scared the crap out of me.”
Sarah Dessen
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“The bottom line is, what defines you isn't how many times you crash, but the number of times you get back on the bike. As long as it's one more. you're all good.”
Sarah Dessen
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