I'm just a girl, grown into a woman, with a dark past.
I aim to speak to others who have lived or are living in my situation, and offer peace, in some form or other. Some peace.
Sometimes, this is the simple knowledge that you are not alone.
Sometimes, it is knowing that what happened to you was not your fault.
Sometimes, it is knowing the future can be bright, even if the present does not feel remotely optimistic.
And if you have never walked in my shoes, I hope I have offered a solid glimpse into the world of someone like me. I hope I can help you understand, if just a little.
“After several visits where I refused to speak, this psychiatrist asked me if I would at least agree to stop doing whatever it was I was doing that was bothering my parents so much. I agreed, knowing fully that I could do no such thing, I was not in control, was powerless, but agreeing to behave myself was my ticket to freedom. I never saw him again. He told my parents I would be better now, but never admitted defeat. How would it look, after all, if he was bested by a prepubescent girl? Looking back, I really feel like I refused to speak to him because I was afraid of what I might say if I opened my mouth or answered his questions without weeks of forethought put into my answers. I was afraid what I said would go straight back to my parents, and I am certain that is what would have happened. There is no way I would have been strong enough for that. And there is no way they would have handled it well.”
“There are just some things you cannot bring yourself to say when you know it will break someone's heart. Sometimes it is easier to carry a burden yourself than to watch their eyes fall.”