Raised without television, I started writing my own middle grade novels after I had read all of the ones in the library. I later discovered YA books, but never did make it to the adult section. When I'm not jotting down poems at stoplights, I can be found hanging out with my "little sister" from Big Brothers Big Sisters or stressing over performance classes at a model horse show.
I have both a Bachelors and Masters of Fine Art in graphic design, and my obsession with typography and layout naturally translates into formatting poetry on the page.
I live in Eagle, Idaho with my husband, two Boston Terriers, and an appaloosa named Mr. Pots.
“If my mom says women are not property how come I want to belong to someone?”
“If mom says women are not property, how come I want to belong to someone else?”
“I want another person to notice me, to say that I matter, to say that they care about me.”
“It means looking out for your own interests. And, for how crazy life gets sometimes, that's a good policy.”
“I guess I was used to keeping my secrets to myself.”
“And I don't know if you understand, but that makes for a lonely existence.”
“People talk when they think no one is listening.”
“Sometimes good friends become more than friends, which is normal because our friends understand us best and we are comfortable around them.”
“Don't fall for a hard body without a soft heart.”
“Like the earth pulling on the moon,and the moon pulling on the tide,his lips gravitatetoward mine.”
“At the Redbox we gather essential movies:Johnny Depp, Jude Law,Michael Cera, and Jon Heder(because we all have a weak spotfor the skinny, homely, Leftover,Napoleon Dynamites of the world).”
“There is no three-strikes when it comes to dating. One heartbreak and that's it.”
“You can't choose the time and place, the when and where, and with whom you fall in love.”
“Do you hate the personwho tapped the first domino down?Or do you hate the dominofor not standing up for itself?And if you are the second domino,and you get toppled, do you hate yourself?”
“In this universe there are no time machines or keys that can turn hearts back around.”
“Katie says, "You can't choose the time and place the when and where with whom you fall in love."She says, "It just happens like that weird feeling you get right before you fall asleep when you gasp in surprise because your muscles just relaxed and you feel like you are falling."She says, "Marcie, you shouldn't worry about it -- give it time to actually happen."I guess --I worry that I won't do it right.That it'll be the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong person.”
“But no matter how hard I try, I still yearn forhugs/kisses/smiles/a hand to hold.”
“With fire in my lungsforgiveness in my headand desire in my heart.”
“My Wishis to fallcranium over Conversein dizzy daydream-worthylove.”
“That's how we spent the day drizzling sarcasm over the truth dropping bad jokes like f-bombs...”