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Sarah Zettel

“There was a lot under those words. I'd go digging for it later.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I reached for Jack's hand. It was cold. But then, so was mine.”
Sarah Zettel
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“Sometimes it's not good for people to find out who you really are.”
Sarah Zettel
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“Sevarin had been dismissive about the chance of finding out anything useful from the cops, but when it came to getting information, I had an edge he didn't.Sevarin did not make a killer lasagne.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I'm going to go out on a limb here. I've thought a lot about this one, as a feminist, and as an author. How should traditional roles be portrayed? In fantasy literature there is a school of thought that holds that women must be treated precisely like men. Only the traditional male sphere of power and means of wielding power count. If a woman is shown in a traditionally female role, then she must be being shown as inferior. After a lot of thought, and some real-life stabs at those traditional roles, I've come to firmly disagree with this idea. For an author to show that only traditional male power and place matter is to discount and belittle the hard and complex lives of our peers and our ancestresses.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I wasn't used to looking ahead. Not like Jack. Maybe that was why he had that ready grin. I could see through the dust, but he could see through time, and he didn't even need magic to do it.”
Sarah Zettel
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“The makers, the beautiful, the ones cast out because their light was too brilliant for the world beyond. The ones who wish true and deep with their whole hearts for more than they have. They come here, and we love them.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I thought maybe I could just get away from everything. But you can't get away from a thing that's your own fault.”
Sarah Zettel
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“They were beautiful beyond words, beautiful beyond understanding. So beautiful, I wanted to tear out my heart and hand it over, because after seeing them, I surely wouldn't have any more use for it.”
Sarah Zettel
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“A gun is a terrible thing. It's a dark hole pointed at you, and that hole swallows up everything else in the world, your friends, your nerve, until there's nothing but you and what's waiting in that little round space of dark.”
Sarah Zettel
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“What's it like where they live?""It's everything you want it to be.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I'd never have gotten this far without you," I said.Jack tipped his cap to me. My heart squirmed around to find a new position under my ribs. I closed the door fast before I could say something really stupid.”
Sarah Zettel
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“Bullets sound like hornets when they pass too close to your head. After a while, the world closes down. You can't hear much, you can't see much, just the way ahead, the next slat, the next open gate. All you know is running; the only place that's real is away.”
Sarah Zettel
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“We're not in Fairyland! We're in Kansas!”
Sarah Zettel
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“Now that you know the wishing ways, you'll feel the wishes around you. They'll make you itchy, 'cause you know you can do something about them, but that ain't always the best idea.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I'd been right about Jack Holland. He had the kind of face that could make you believe.”
Sarah Zettel
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“I wish I knew who I am," I whispered to the stars in Baya's eyes.Slowly, Baya shook his head. "Oh, Dust Girl, that's the hardest wish of all. Not even Baya can give you that one. That one you earn.”
Sarah Zettel
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“Mama took me in her arms and held me tight. Her embrace was hot and she smelled like sweat, dust, and grease, but I wanted her. I wanted to crawl inside her mind to find that place that let her smile and sing through the worst dust storms. If I had to be crazy, I wanted my mama's kind of crazy, because she was never afraid.”
Sarah Zettel
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