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S.C. Meakin

I live near Cambridge in the UK, and have been writing for nearly 20 years.

The Heart of Tarkon is the first book in The Centre Vale Fantasy Trilogy.

Every World is overshadowed by a Being of majestic proportions, whose impeccable intelligence and incredible power far surpass mere mortals. These magnificent entities, called Great Makers, are the Initiators of Life and its Keepers. They do not occupy thrones of grandeur, dictating with a rod of iron the daily activities of ordinary people. Instead, they are the mindful ones, carefully influencing creatures like Man on towards his highest potential. To find out more, read

Book 1 - The Heart of Tarkon, for FREE!

Book 2 - The Pillars of Life is now available at Amazon.

Book 3 - Liberation of The Great Maker will be released in the Spring 2012.

2012 will see me start a fun 10 book children Series for 4 - 6 year olds, to help encourage them to read but also write stories themselves. More soon!

Happy reading

Stephen Meakin

“Most people argue over beliefs rather than truth.”
S.C. Meakin
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