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S.C. Stephens

S.C. Stephens is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who enjoys spending every free moment she has creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.

Her debut novel, Thoughtless, an angst-filled love triangle charged with insurmountable passion and the unforgettable Kellan Kyle, took the literary world by storm. Amazed and surprised by the response to the release of Thoughtless in 2009, more stories were quick to follow. Stephens has been writing nonstop ever since.

In addition to writing, Stephens enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading fabulous novels, loading up her iPod with writer's block reducing music, heading out to the movies, and spending quality time with her friends and family. She currently resides in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two equally beautiful children.

“Remember today, that I love you.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I never made love until you." - Kellan Kyle”
S.C. Stephens
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“With a look of pride on his face, he pointed at my closed bedroom door. "Did you just fuck him into submission?" He held his knuckles up to me. "Nice.”
S.C. Stephens
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“And really, a formal ceremony and a piecce of paper wasn't what made a marriage. It was the feeling bursting apart my chest-the overwhelming sensation that I'd been cleaved in two at birth, and, miraculously, I'd managed to find my other half. And even more miraculously, he felt the same.”
S.C. Stephens
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“She came out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later, holding five sticks in one hand. She stared at them, horrified, like they were going to start calling her Mommy at any moment.”
S.C. Stephens
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“It's beautiful when you play it. Something seems to happen to it when I try.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I hopped out of the shower and immediately began doing the icky dance. You know, the 'oh ma god, I know there are about six more of those things on my body' dance.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I know that I’ve become one of those spouting, love-sick idiots, but what it all boils down to is three words that don’t mean enough…I love you.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you.”
S.C. Stephens
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“He started to turn away, but I cupped his cheek. Ignoring the incessant ringing in the room, I looked deep into his eyes. "Whatever happens from here on out, I want you to know that I don't regret anything. Being with you, loving you, experiencing this with you...it's all been worth it, and we'll get through this together." I smiled. "We're a team. It's us against the world.”
S.C. Stephens
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“You hated what we had done, and it had meant so much to me. I hated you after that.”
S.C. Stephens
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“What happens when I touch you, Kiera?" His tone, almost a growl, was getting as suggestive as his words [...] He ran a hand down his shirt, as he answered his own question. "Your pulse races, your breath quickens." He bit his lip and started simulating heavy breathing [...] "Your body trembles, your lips part, your eyes burn." He closed his eyes and exhaled with a soft groan, then reopened his eyes and suggestively inhaled through his teeth. [...] "Your body aches...everywhere."He closed his eyes again and exactly mimicked a low moan that I had made with him on several occasions. He tangled a hand back through his own hair, in a way that I had done time and again, and ran his other hand back up his chest, in a way that was only too familiar with me. [...] He swallowed and made a horribly enticing noise as he let his mouth fall open in a pant. "Oh...God...please..." He mimicked in a low groan, as his hands started running down his body, towards his jeans...”
S.C. Stephens
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“A micro-second before our mouths fully touched,when I could feel the heat of his skin,the barest brush of a lip,he glided his nose along my cheek.I gasped at the almost-contact.he exhaled heavily down my throat,an enticing noise escaping his lips,making me shudder.He stayed there,taking two ragged breaths,while I unconsciously melted even more against his body.My Knees turned even more into him,the hand on my lap dropped onto his thigh.I started to turn my head towards his mouth.He smelled so good.....”
S.C. Stephens
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“Tears rolled down my cheeks as what happened today crashed into me. I kissed his head as I held him tight. "You saved my life," I whispered my voice warbling.His words were thick with sleep, he told me, "I was returning the favor.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I was remembering all of the reasons why I love you so much. I was appreciating everything you do, and everything you are. I was falling in love with you, all over again.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Everyone eventually falls for the two of you together. You're meant to be.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I'm a man of many mysteries, Mrs Kyle.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Whatever happens from here on out, I want you to know that I don't regret anything. Being with you, loving you, experiencing this with you...it's all been worth it, and we'll get through this together". I smiled. "We're a team. It's us against the world.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Oh  .  .  . wow  .  .  . I don’t know what to say. I want to thank  .  .  .” His voice broke and the tears in my eyes rolled down my cheeks. Bringing the back of his hand to his mouth, Kellan stopped talking. Shaking his head again, he slowly lowered his hand. “I’m sorry.” His voice warbled with barely contained emotion. “My wife just told me she’s pregnant.”
S.C. Stephens
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“My answer is yes. Whatever the favor is, my answer is always yes. Whenever you need me, I’m there, Kellan  .  .  . I’m always here for you.”
S.C. Stephens
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“No, no, no! I am not giving birth backstage at a rock concert. I need to be in a hospital, pumped full of every drug that they can legally give me!I was so shocked, my only repsonse was,'Well, he was conceived backstage at a concert, so it's sort of fitting for him to be born at one.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Everybody! This is my cousin right here, and he just dethroned God's gift to Women - Griffin”
S.C. Stephens
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“Lord help the female population if Kellan and I have a boy one day.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Every single day I'll keep you with me, no matter how far from me you are.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I'm cool either way, I just need to know which instrument to pull out.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Our lives are crazy. When moments to remember happen, you have to pause a second to appreciate them. Otherwise none of this is worth it. And getting married to you is definitely a moment to remember." ~ Kellan Kyle”
S.C. Stephens
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“I want to make you happy. I want to give you the wolrd. I want you to be proud of me. I want to comfort you. I want you to comfort me. I want to hold you when your scared. I want you to hold me when I'm scared. I want to make you laugh. I want to make you blush." Leaning in, he whispered, "I want to make you scream.”
S.C. Stephens
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“You are a beautiful, intelligent woman with a boyfriend who adores you. You have nothing to fear ever - Kellan Kyle”
S.C. Stephens
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“You want me to whatbook? And Tweet? Like a bird? Are you serious?”
S.C. Stephens
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“Oh, poor me, I have to make out with a hot superstar. Women fawn over me wherever I go. I have fucktastic hair and an eight pack. Boo-hoo.” Twisting his lips in a look of contempt, he made an obscene gesture over his privates. I couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto my face. He was rude and crude and said things I didn’t want to hear sometimes, but somehow Griffin was also amusing in a comforting sort of way, and I actually did feel better. Lord, help me.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Hey, heard you’re a bitch whore for stealing Sienna’s man.”… “Yep. I officially, globally suck.”Anna chewed her food for a minute, then smiled. “Well, c**t or not, I still love you.”
S.C. Stephens
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“You know that’s permanent right?”… “You know you’re permanent, right?”
S.C. Stephens
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“I didn’t want to fuck either of those girls because I’m in love with your fucking sister! Are you happy now, bitch! I’m fucking whipped… just like these other pussies.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Kellan looked back at me, cocky amusement infused into his lopsided grin. “I’m glad you don’t squeal when I look at you.” He leaned in, his arm brushing mine. “I like having to earn it,” he whispered.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Lucky fucker, whoever the father is.”With a snort, Anna told him, “He is a fucker” – she shrugged nonchalantly – “but I love him.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I don’t want to hurt you, and if our roles were reversed, I couldn’t handle watching you with another man.”I gave him a sad smile as I whispered, “You already did.”Kellan’s mouth parted, and a wave of sadness swept over his features. It broke my heart.”
S.C. Stephens
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“No, let’s make this interesting. If I win, we have sex backstage tonight. If you win, we have sex backstage tonight.”I wanted to laugh again, but the way he said sex froze my brain for a second. “Um…I don’t think you understand how betting works.”Moving in close to me, he breathed his response into my ear while he rested his hand on my stomach. “Don’t I?”
S.C. Stephens
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“Griffin immediately beaned him in the back of the head with a Hackey Sack. “Dude, grow some balls. You’re an embarrassment to penises everywhere.”
S.C. Stephens
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“You did satisfy me.” Kellan cocked his eyebrow. “I did? Are you sure? Because you’re usually more vocal when you’re satisfied.”
S.C. Stephens
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“I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust . . . if you found the right person . . . you really could have it all.”
S.C. Stephens
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“You saved my life, just returning the favor”
S.C. Stephens
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“I started to want what the two of you had..”
S.C. Stephens
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“It was so powerful. I knew it was wrong, but it was addicting.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Never again. I don't care what's at stake. I don't care who I have to let down. I won't ever do that to you again. You... or me. I'm done playing their game."​”
S.C. Stephens
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“He’s a wreck,” I said.Laughing, my mom patted my knee. “They all are the first time.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Kiera, will we need diapers? I’m grabbing diapers. We should bring diapers.”Over my shoulder I yelled out, “Kellan! I’m sure the hospital will have some.” He didn’t respond to me, and I was sure the trunk of the Chevelle was going to be loaded with enough diapers to cover the bottoms of half the children in Seattle.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Making a sound that was both a laugh and a sob, Kellan stared into his son’s eyes. “Hey, little man,” he whispered. “I’m your dad, and I love you . . . so much.” Voice quavering, he added, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
S.C. Stephens
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“We’d learned to open up to each other, to trust each other, to face the world together. I firmly believed now that there was nothing we couldn’t tackle together. No hurdle, no obstacle, no setback was so large that it would break us apart, and there was comfort and confidence in that knowledge.”
S.C. Stephens
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“Because I love you more than any one person should be allowed to love someone.”
S.C. Stephens
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