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Scott Edmund Miller

Scott Edmund Miller is the award winning author of the self-help book, The User's Guide to Being Human: The Art and Science of Self. Two months into publication, this book was named 2012 International Book Awards "Best New Self-Help Book," and 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Awards "Motivational Book of the Year." It was also honored by Indie as second runner up for "Inspirational Book of the Year."

He is author of a coming of age novel, The Barefoot Warrior which he published under the pen name Kyle Weaver.

Scott's mission is to empower people of all ages and in all walks of life to harness the great potential that is freely available within them. The User's Guide to Being Human describes his discoveries and methods of self-development that make this possible. Synthesizing 5000 years of global wisdom on the topic of human capacities development, his work puts everyday men, women, and children in touch with the innate arts and sciences that drive the unfolding of their lives. The Barefoot Warrior explores the development of these capacities in the life of a young adult.

As a human capacities expert, educator, and school developer, he has been involved in educational reform for nearly two decades. He was the cofounder of Our Community School (OCS), a public charter school in Los Angeles, and served as the board chairman and CEO when OCS was recognized as the 2009 "Charter School of the Year" in the State of California. He recently cofounded a new organization to integrate educational programs based on "The User's Guide to Being Human" into public school systems and community services.

Scott is an avid hiker, and wrote much of the material for both books while frequenting various trails in the quiet desert regions of Southern California. He is currently daydreaming at a fair clip along various California trails to develop his third book, "The User's Guide to Being Human: The Art and Science of Connection."

“When telling the story of your life, it is of great value to recognize and focus on the details that reveal or inspire an empowered unfolding of your being. Much like rewriting your own DNA, every aspect of your life and growth will emanate from the building blocks of your history—however you choose to tell it. This is not to suggest that you should deny or bury your mistakes, traumas or misfortunes, but rather, recognize and reveal them within an empowered context of a bigger picture.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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“Human beings have an extraordinary capacity to imagine possibilities and then turn those possibilities into realities. Evident in the gifts of civilization—in our arts, languages, sciences, technologies, businesses, governments, and so on—it is clear that we are a profoundly creative species. Yet many of us only access a smidgen of our creativity.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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“Often misconstrued, authenticity is not about being an open book, revealing every detail of yourself without rhyme or reason. It is simply the act of openly and courageously seeing what needs to be seen, saying what needs to be said, doing what needs to be done, and becoming that which you are intent on being.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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“Whether you dance, draw, make music, shoot field goals, build houses, tune engines, or sit around all day watching television, you are an artist. Your single greatest work of art is your self. As with any art form, the more you understand and develop your talents, the more empowered and masterful you become as an artist. This is particularly important when engaging in the art of consciously shaping your own life.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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“Growth is an unavoidable part of life. Whether we mean for it to happen or not, our bodies continually nourish and regenerate themselves, our minds continually learn and expand, and our lives continually evolve. We have the power to craft our growth the way a landscaper crafts a majestic garden, or we can leave it to chance, allowing it to unfold wild as the weeds that spread across a vacant lot.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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“Attention is a resource as abundant as sunlight. It streams outward all day long whether we choose to tap into it or not. By developing conscious focus of our attention, we learn to harness one of the greatest creative powers available to humankind, one that happens to be freely available within ourselves at all times.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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“The excellence and efficiency of any nation or of our global community at large is driven by the collective empowerment of individuals. Gross consumer waste, haphazard bureaucratic spending, and the careless consumption of natural resources are all reflections of the mismanagement of personal power common within the average citizen.”
Scott Edmund Miller
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