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Scott Mebus

Scott Mebus is American novelist, composer and playwright

He has written two adult novels, Booty Nomad and The Big Happy, as well asthe children's urban fantasy series "Gods of Manhattan".

“Give me the knife!"Simon held out his hand. Lincoln glanced over as he struggled with Albert. "Could you take it out of your hand first?" he said. Simon gritted his teeth and pulled the knife out.”
Scott Mebus
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“He brought the knife down. Helplessly, Nicholas watched it head for his chest, but before but before it got there, a hand flew out of nowhere to meet it. The knife passed through the hand like it was water, but the the hilt jammed into the palm, trapping it an inch before the knife point could pierce Nicholas's chest. Albert turned in confusion to see Simon standing there with the knife clear through his hand. He looked too amazed to feel the pain."Simon? But your useless," Albert said, shocked."I'm just as surprised as you are," Simon replied,”
Scott Mebus
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“Verbal hemophilia. Why can't I clot?”
Scott Mebus
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