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Scott S. Haraburda

Dr. Scott S. Haraburda is a Government Executive, Supply Chain Manager, Rocket Scientist, Indiana State Judo Champion, Munitions Expert, and former Herpolsheimer's department store Santa Claus. He is a registered

Professional Engineer

in Indiana and a certified

Project Management Professional


As a retired US Army officer, Colonel Haraburda's military career includes command of the 464th Chemical Brigade and the 472d Chemical Battalion. Also, he has served in various military assignments including engineering and contingency contracting positions within the Korean Theater, research and development positions throughout the United States, logistics support operations within Kuwait, and teaching chemistry at West Point.

In addition to publishing numerous technical and management related articles, Dr. Haraburda holds two US patents.

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his biography.

“Regrettably, many Christians support the church’s shame-based culture of manipulation, embarrassment, and disgrace to get what they want, which is to gain followers, power, influence, and obedience.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“I have a problem with a church that has its main mission aimed at preferential treatment of rich, attractive, influential, and gifted people. Instead, it should be more concerned with its people’s spiritual growth instead of administering an ancient museum.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Unlike the uneducated Christian followers from centuries ago, the typical Christian today has a particularly high level of suspicion of organized religion, including an acute sensitivity to hypocrisy. Leaders who think otherwise today won’t lead many.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Christian leadership should include integrity, honesty, compassion, diplomacy, perception, common sense, and forgiveness. Serving as a Christian leader involves servant leadership, which is a radical commitment to their follower’s life that requires acting in love no matter what it costs that leader.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Jesus served as the supreme example of good Christian leadership through servant-hood, humility, taking risks, sharing responsibilities with others, and building a team. He placed the needs of others ahead of His own. He wasn’t judgmental and definitely wasn’t hypocritical.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Sadly, most Christians treat the Bible as a holy relic, something to worship. Definitely not something to read or understand.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Christian ethical decisions should be based upon personal honor, interpersonal relationships with others including non-Christians, and moral implications of the decisions. Anything less than this violates the teachings of Jesus.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Many Christian religions tend to make people feel worthless and broken. Instead, they should be spiritually uplifting and enriching.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Many Christians believe it better to be 'right' than to have a relationship with another. However, Jesus didn't teach us to be right.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“In my opinion, the Church only possesses the moral authority to speak to others about its ethics only when it holds itself accountable at the same time.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Jesus didn’t come to make us religious, righteous, or moral. Basically, His ethics involved His proclamation of a God-centered, love-filled life lived in obedience to God.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Being a Christian isn’t about the rules but about the relationship we have with Jesus.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Doing the rights things, even though no one knows about it, is much better to me than being known as a person who does the right things, especially if done for the wrong reasons.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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“Llily-livered, pansy-assed, bleeding-heart, wishy-washy, America-hating, namby-pamby Christian judgments don’t adhere to the teachings of Jesus.”
Scott S. Haraburda
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