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Scott Westerfeld

Scott Westerfeld is a New York Times bestselling author of YA. He is best known for the Uglies and Leviathan series. His current series, IMPOSTORS, returns to the world of Uglies.

The next book in that series, MIRROR'S EDGE, comes out April 6, 2021.

“The lie took form as she spoke, pulling on as many strands of truth as it could reach.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“She turned to Frizz. "So you understand the problem? You can't let Tally know about Radical Honesty. There's no telling what she'll do if she finds out you could ruin her plans." Frizz's eyebrows rose. "So let me get this straight, Aya-chan. You want me, a person who can't lie, to lie about the fact that I can't lie?""We need another plan," Hiro said.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Okay... That's still blind-making.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“But they're already singing our praises!""They are Americans. They toot their horns for anything.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“I kissed him once," she whispered."Well done. What did he do?""Um..." Deryn sighed. "He woke up.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“And here in America rival newspapermen attack each other on sight?”
Scott Westerfeld
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“What if destiny doesn't care?”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Did you really think I was too fragile to know what Deryn was?""Fragile?" Volger looked about. "I hadn't thought so, but now I find you brooding in a bathroom. This doesn't speak well of your sturdiness.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Todo el mundo estaba condicionado por el lugar donde nacía, confinado por sus propias creencias, pero al menos había que intentar que la mente se desarrollara más allá de dichos límites. De lo contrario, era como su uno viviera en una reserva, adorando a un puñado de falsos dioses.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“-Pero siempre se corre un riesgo cuando uno... besa a alguien nuevo”
Scott Westerfeld
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“If you see everything through hovercams and feed stories, you wind up blind to what's right in front of you.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Fuzzy Tally is no more.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Barking spiders!”
Scott Westerfeld
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“You look beautiful - David”
Scott Westerfeld
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“...I want those perfect eyes and lips, and for everyone to look at me and gasp. And for everyone who sees me to think Who's that? and want to get to know me, and listen to what I say.""I'd rather have something to say.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“I go where the lizards tell me.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“you're infamous, Tally. Everyone's terrified of you. The new system may have made the other cities nervous, but they seem to think my little gang of psychotic sixteen-year-olds is worse" - Cable to Tally”
Scott Westerfeld
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“But you weren't born expecting that kind of beauty in everyone, all the time. You just got programmed into thinking anything else is ugly.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“But it's always taking a risk, when you ... kiss someone new.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“But you know what? It's not my behavior I'm worried about anymore. It's yours.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Face it, Tally-wa, you're special”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Jen's an impact player, a spoiled brat, a royal pain-in-the-ass, and she rewires me like nothing else.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Most men's awareness doesn't extend past their dinner plates.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Barking hard work, being a boy.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“The man was allergic to sleep.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“In a world of extreme beauty, anyone normal is ugly.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“I'm a girl."When Deryn opened her eyes, the lady boffin was staring at her with no change of expression. "Indeed," she said.Deryn's mouth feel open. "You mean you...Did you barking know?""I had no idea at all. But I make it a policy never to appear surprised." Dr. Barlow sighed, staring out the window. "Though on this occasion, it is proving rather more demanding than usual. A girl, you say? And you're quite certain?”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Oh, this beast? It's...perspicacious loris. 'Perspicacious' meaning 'wise or canny'.""Get stuffed," Bovril said, then giggled."And it insults people," Telsa said. "How peculiar.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“He makes me feel like that. Like flying.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“What about a hoverboard?""It's waiting on the roof, of course." Dr. Cable snorted. "What is it about you miscreants and those things?”
Scott Westerfeld
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“She carried a knife inside of herself now, one that was always cutting her. She could feel it every time she swallowed, every time her thoughts strayed from the splendor of the wild.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Good books make you ask questions. Bad readers want everything answered.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Surely no one would ever use such a weapon against a city.""There are no limits in war," Volger said, still staring out the window.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“It's just programming""No. It's because I love him”
Scott Westerfeld
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“You young things are too easily persuaded by the touch of lips.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“As one does a bear riding a bicycle. One sees it so rarely.(Spoken by Volger, on Deryn)”
Scott Westerfeld
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“peeps cant turn into anything smaller than what they are. where would the extra mass go”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Have a little faith in me, Volger.""I have great faith, tempered with vast annoyance.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“That letter was your whole future, you daft prince.""It was my past. I lost that the night my parents died. But I found you, Deryn. Maybe I wasn't meant to end the war, but I was meant to find you. I know that. You've saved me from having any reason to keep going.""We save each other. That's how it works.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Deryn felt brilliant, rising through the air at the center off everyone's attention, like an acrobat aloft on a swing. She wanted to make a speech:Hey, all you sods, I can fly and you can't! A natural airman, in case you haven't noticed. And in conclusion, I'd like to add that I'm a girl and you can all get stuffed!”
Scott Westerfeld
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“That was the whole point of being special: You existed to make sure everyone else behaved, but that didn't mean YOU had to.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Emperors are vain and useless things.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Do you love him?"Deryn swallowed, then pointed at the screen. "He makes me feel like that. Like flying.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“He squeezed her hand. "Then I'll come get you, wherever you are when it happens. We'll be okay.""But what about everybody else?"He stared out across the river, nodding slowly. "My guess is, everybody else is in big trouble.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“You'd think that in a fight, NOT MOVING would be a bad habit!”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Sprinkled across the black waters below were at least a hundred small boats set out to greet the Leviathan, their navigation lights like shifting stars. Among them loomed a glittering cruise liner, her fog horn bellowing in the night. The low groan grew into a chorus as the other great ships in the harbor joined in.Perched on Volger's desk, Bovril attempted to imitate the horns, but wound up sounding like a badly blown tuba.Alek smiled. "But they're already singing our praises!""They are Americans," Volger said. "They toot their horns for anything.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Miss Rogers waved a hand. "But Mr. Hearst just wants a dramatic story. If the rebels destroy us, he'll get no story at all!" "Aye, but has anyone explained that to the barking rebels?" "These are civilized rebels, young man. They have movie deals!" "That's no guarantee of sanity!”
Scott Westerfeld
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“...that was what kept the world interesting...reality had no gears, and you never knew what surprises would come spinning out of its chaos.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“Alek said, "Do you think I'm being a fool?" "I think you're trying to do something good. But doing good is rarely easy, and no weapon has ever stopped a war.”
Scott Westerfeld
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“A rat called Possible New Strain was sitting under a spaghetti strainer held down with a pile of journalism textbooks, saying rude things in rat-speak.”
Scott Westerfeld
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