Sean Beaudoin is the author of five Young Adult novels, including the rude zombie love story The Infects, and the black comedy rock and roll love story Wise Young Fool. Sean likes love stories almost as much as he loves to talk about himself in the third person. Welcome Thieves is a short story collection that will be out March '16 with Algonquin Press.
“How do you learn to write? You sit your ass down in a chair, in front of a laptop, for ten years. Period.”
“Finding out what people don’t want you to know may be the scariest, most addictive thing of all.”
“War's a racket. No doubt. But war is a racket for the politicians, not the soldiers.”
“Being comfortable with who you are is the ultimate threat!----You Killed Wesley Payne”
“You, Stan, are covered with dirt and leaves.''''I just applied for a job as a tree,'' I said. It made so little sense, he didn't even bother responding.”
“It's easy to pretend you don't care about anything, Stan. It's also cowardly.”