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Sean DeLauder

This author has held several positions in recent years, including Content Writer, Grant Writer, Obituary Clerk, and Staff Writer, and is under the false impression that these experiences have added to his character since they have not contributed much to his finances. He was awarded a BFA in Creative Writing and Journalism and a BA in Technical Communication by Bowling Green State University because they are giving and eager to make friends. He has a few scattered publications with several conveniently defunct magazines (but refuses credit for their extinction), and resides in the drab, northeastern region of Ohio because it makes everything else seem fascinating, exotic, and beautiful.

He is currently at work on a trilogy involving heroes, dirt, and monsters that cannot be defeated, only escaped.

“That was the nature of hope. Sustaining, but of little practical purpose besides.”
Sean DeLauder
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“A name isn't important. It doesn't make you, you make it.”
Sean DeLauder
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“History loved to lie, through simple distortion or complete fabrication. Lies were the cosmetics of history, and when history could not be beautiful, it preferred to be shocking.”
Sean DeLauder
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“Most distinguishable about the idiot, Hedge noted, was their fear of that which was different. Those who feared difference always made a point of finding difference in others in order to feel more secure in their sameness.”
Sean DeLauder
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“For all their simplicity, humans could be remarkably perceptive, though they didn't know it most of the time, and their ability to thrust straight through deception and see to the heart of truth was often lost with childhood. By adulthood humans had trained themselves to be coy and manipulative in response to the coy and manipulative society in which they lived, which led them to believe that everyone was trying to be as coy and manipulative as themselves and were uncertain about what was true and what was not. Beyond their few flashes of clarity, everything became a muddle of colliding doubts.”
Sean DeLauder
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“Hedge was enthralled by her symmetry, yet the word was too cool and dry. She was beautiful.”
Sean DeLauder
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“It was an ignorant perception of the past at which most scoffed, but those who were wiser simply shook their heads in embarrassment knowing similar fears and ignorance confronted them in different forms now.”
Sean DeLauder
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“That was my cathartic moment - when I realized humans have difficulty believing in themselves, but if someone believes in them, they can accomplish anything.”
Sean DeLauder
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“At that moment he understood, far better than he had before when he studied their histories and their political structures before he arrived, what it was to be human. Their whole existence was centered upon suffering. That was the first time he considered humanity's massive potential. They made frequent mistakes, yes, but if those mistakes were adequately painful they made every effort to avoid repeating them, to improve upon their errors. To be more careful so they didn't catch their thumb under the hammerhead.”
Sean DeLauder
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“Was it right to extinguish those few bright spots for the sins of the many? On the other hand, was it okay to spare all the foul corruptions for the sake of a few?”
Sean DeLauder
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“Most people tacitly agreed to permit cruelty rather than risk being subject to it.”
Sean DeLauder
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“It was easier to scribble over memories a person didn't want to remember, so they searched for these people - the abused and neglected.”
Sean DeLauder
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