Şems-i Tebrizî photo

Şems-i Tebrizî

Shams-i-Tabrīzī is credited as the spiritual instructor of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and is referenced with great reverence in Rumi’s poetic collection, in particular Diwan-i Shams-i Tabrīzī (The Works of Shams of Tabriz). Tradition holds that Shams taught Rumi in seclusion in Konya for a period of forty days, before fleeing for Damascus. The tomb of Shams-i Tabrīzī was recently nominated to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

n 1244, a man in black suit from head to toe, came to the famous inn of Sugar Merchants of Konya. His name was Shams Tabrizi. He was claiming to be a travelling merchant. As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, "Makalat", he was looking for something. Which he was going to find in Konya. Eventually he found Rumi riding a horse.

According to contemporary Sufi tradition, Shams Tabrizi mysteriously disappeared: some say he was killed by close disciples of Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi who were jealous of the close relationship between Rumi and Shams. It is also said that Shams Tabrizi left Konya and died in Khoy where he was buried. Sultan Walad, Rumi's son, in his Walad-Nama mathnawi just mentions that Shams mysteriously disappeared from Konya with no more specific details.

“sana dilsiz, dudaksız sözler söyleyeceğimbütün kulaklardan gizli sırlardan bahsedeceğimbu sözleri sana, herkesin içinde söyleyeceğimama senden başka kimse duymayacakkimse anlamayacak.”
Şems-i Tebrizî
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“bu dünyada herkes bir şey olmaya çalışırken sen hiç ol. menzilin yokluk olsun. insanın çömlekten farkı olmamalı.nasıl ki çömleği tutan dışındaki biçimi değil, içindeki boşluk ise, insanı ayakta tutan da benlik değil, hiçlik bilincidir.”
Şems-i Tebrizî
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“Dünya'daki tüm kitaplar, tüm hesaplar, akıl oyunları, sayfalarca laflar sevginin yerini tutmaz. okuyarak öğreneceksin ama severek anlayacaksın.”
Şems-i Tebrizî
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