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Serdar Özkan

He attended middle and high school at Robert College in Istanbul. He completed his university education in the USA where he earned his BA in Business Administration and Psychology at Lehigh University. Serdar Özkan has been a full-time novelist since 2002, dedicated to writing novels that unravel the deeper meaning of life's journey.

His debut novel, The Missing Rose, has been published in 44 languages in over 50 countries worldwide. Greatly cherished by readers from different cultures throughout the world from Canada to Japan, and from Brazil to China, The Missing Rose has entered bestseller lists in many countries.

Staying on bestseller lists at No.1 for weeks in Turkey, The Missing Rose remained on the lists for 84 weeks and became the most read novel in Turkey in 2010.

In the world press, The Missing Rose received great praise and was likened to the all-time favorites, Paulo Coelho’s Alchemist and Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

The Missing Rose was also likened to Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince by DPA, one of the world’s most important news agencies, as well as by Helsinki Sanomat, the most widely read newspaper in Finland, and was acclaimed as the “Turks’ Little Prince.”

Published internationally by the world’s most prestigious and distinguished publishing houses like Random House, Bertelsmann, Bompiani and Hachette, Serdar Özkan’s debut novel has so far been translated into the following languages:

English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Croatian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovenian, Serbian, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Bulgarian, Italian, Icelandic, Russian, Finnish, Polish, Indonesian, Arabic, Swedish, Marathi, Chinese, Telugu, Norwegian, Indian, Estonian, Taiwanese, Thai, Urdu, Malaysian, Macedonian, Persian, Albanian, Danish, Uyghur and Vietnamese.

“I’m nothing great. But I’m a rose… I’m a rose whether I’m admired or not, I’m a rose whether anyone’s crazy about me or not… Like I said, nothing great. Just a rose… But, do you know what it means to be a rose, my friend? Being a rose means ‘freedom.’ It means not existing by the praises of Others or not ceasing to exist by their disapproval.”
Serdar Özkan
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