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Serena B. Miller

I live only a few miles from a flourishing Amish community and am blessed to count many Old Order Amish as friends. Love Finds You In Sugarcreek, Ohio is a natural outgrowth of my on-going fascination with these valiant, flawed people who struggle to live their lives according to their interpretation of the Bible. Once, when I apologized for asking so many questions while researching this book, an Amish father told me that I could ask anything I wanted. “Nothing is forbidden,” he said. He told me that he wanted my book to be accurate. I was thrilled when his family read it and gave me their enthusiastic nod of approval.

Our family, however, also lived for many years in Michigan. My father, a sawyer, told me stories he had heard from old timber men who had cut the fabled giant pine in the Saginaw Valley. Visiting museums and reading about the years directly after the Civil War, when Michigan became the lumber capitol of the world, became a hobby. I was delighted when Revell Publishing allowed me to revisit that era by writing The Measure Of Katie Calloway.

There are many other books on their way—both Amish and historical. Please know that each one is a labor of love from me to you.

To God be all the glory, forever.


“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Serena B. Miller
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