Shane Porteous on his writing style. photo

Shane Porteous on his writing style.

Ever since I was old enough to retain memory I have wanted to be an author. I must have written at least 100 original stories as well as alot of fan fiction.

I cannot remember the very first story I wrote because I would have written it years before I could properly spell more than ten words. But the two earliest stories I can remember writing are "Blood got on Big Boss" and "Mad Lab".

Blood got on Big boss was a ridiculous story that told of a group of kids being hunted down by a ruthless crime boss that had motocycle driving ninjas as henchmen along with many other ludicrous things.

Mad Lab was equally ridiculous and told the story of how there was a science building that had been taken over by bio-engineered monsters. It was so dangerous that the police force refused to enter the building and a team of elite mercenaries were called in to destroy the monsters.

In total I wrote 8 sequels to mad lab though I must admit each were only 4 or 5 hand written pages long.

When I was ten or eleven I saw an anime that would forever change the way I wrote and thought about stories. That anime was Guyver Bio-Booster Armor. I was mesmerised by this cartoon that was filled with some of the most goriest scenes I had ever seen at that time. The fact that it was a cartoon that had swearing and intense violence shocked me as much as it thrilled me.

But beyond all the violence and the swearing Guyver Bio- Booster Armor also possessed many layers to it's story. It was a much more complex and philosophical way of telling a story that was light years beyond any movie, book or cartoon I had ever seen before.

Guyver opened my eyes to the world of Manga/Anime, a world where black and white convention was rejected, replaced by a complex world of grey. I loved it and found when I wrote stories that I was always striving to be different.

Now with my boyhood dream of being a published author completed I only hope that I successfully strive to write stories that are a little different. But that is not for me to decide it is up to the readers, so please if you ever read one of my books please let me know what you thought about it!

“You may like me, you may hate me. But I guarantee you’ll remember me.”
Shane Porteous on his writing style.
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