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Shannon A Thompson

Shannon A. Thompson is an author, speaker, and habitual chatterbox. She is represented by Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency.

Thompson is the best-selling author of the Timely Death trilogy and the Bad Bloods series. When she is not writing, she is climbing rooftops, baking cookies, or watching KDramas in the middle of the night, often done with her cats by her side. Between writing and befriending cats, Thompson graduated from the University of Kansas with a bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis on creative writing, and her work has appeared in numerous poetry collections and anthologies.

Visit her blog for writers and readers at

“I knew nothing of death, and, for some unexplainable reason, I was beginning to feel guilty for that. -Jessica”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I live within my daydreams and nightmares; through that, I have learned to create, and I never cease from doing so.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Love crosses the sky \ on a peculiar disturbing night.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“The rules of life are nothing that cannot be fixed.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I thought of all the hardships and people that I had lost in the past few days alone, but, most of all, I thought of how I didn't regret any of it.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Bad bloods aren't born evil or dangerous. We are taught to be, but only because we have to if we want to survive.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Until they feel what we feel, they will never fully understand the own hell they caused.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I saw something I could never forget. I saw lifetimes of acknowledgement, fear, wisdom, questioning, and understanding in a child's eye. It was the worst thing I would ever witness.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Why do they hate us?" He paused. "We didn't do anything wrong.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“He's been through so much and to watch that boy suffer makes me wish this world wasn't so cruel.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I didn't particularly feel like explaining myself to eighteen bewildered people.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“What fueled this hatred? Society.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“War makes animals of men, and we can't let that happen to us. If we do, we won't have any chance of survival.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Without this flock, I would be worthless. Without the people in this flock, I'd be empty. Without the people who started this flock, I'd be dead.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Don't make excuses. They're pointless.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Sometimes battles are unavoidable.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I was a person full of wishes but without a star.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Damn the way he had control over me.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“It's not the best life in the world, but it's all I know.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“You can't make the world perfect, Daniel," Michelle said calmly while dusting dirt off her jeans with her delicate hand. "No. I can't," I agreed. "But I can sure help make it better.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I'm just helping someone who is unfortunate. Is that a crime?”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I was their leader. I would never leave them, not even in the time of death.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I know you better then anyone. You’re practically my son, and I think that it’s the fact that you don’t want to see her leave. You are afraid of change.” He paused; he was right. “You are afraid that she will change.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I would only blame myself if something happened to you.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“The number of people that reside on our side will be the determination for a good result. Or a terrible one.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I leaned out one last time and caught a snowflake on my tongue. They tasted so good, so pure and so divine, like nothing I had ever tasted from the sky. It was as if happiness spread through your body with the cold, but then disappeared and brought depression, all in less then two seconds. It was unbelievable, and yet, addicting.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“She was always daydreaming. She never wanted to live in the real world; she always seemed to be separated from other children her age. They couldn’t understand her or her imagination. She was always thinking outside of the box, breaking rules, and only following what her heart told her was right.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“We couldn’t change anything, and in times of war, people become helpless and vulnerable.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I’ll wake up with sweat drenching my chest and think it’s the blood and muck I was covered in that night.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“She was strong and stubborn but loving. She was an untouchable angel with a devil’s mark. She was beautiful.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“The feeling of death is not as peaceful as they make it sound in movies and books. It was frightening and empty...I never want to feel it again.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Tell me, how do get away from your own self?” she questioned. I knew what she meant with a sickening realization. They knew what I was. Somehow, they had found out my only secret.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“No one wanted to die with secrets in their grave.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I couldn’t help but feel as if everyone had lied about everything. We all had secrets. We all had a dark side to our innocent cover. I wondered what we would be like, if we had been completely honest with each other in the first place. Maybe more people would be alive, but then again, more people could be dead.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I’m not mad. I already told you that. We all have mistakes in our past...and our future. It’s a fact of life.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“We are causing war and destruction among ourselves for all the wrong reasons.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“The dark, twisting clouds that had settled over Vendona’s streets seemed to open up and glide past the winking moon. The wind moaned slowly as it died while the trees began dancing with a melody only known to nature. The city became alive, and time raced forward as the sky warmed slightly. It was no longer snowing.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for the people I had met and the people I had lost.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I may be a homeless, old man, but that doesn’t make me worthless.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Every second of everyday I still love them, and I won’t believe they are dead until I see it for myself.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“Either way, one should love their children, shouldn’t they? After all, children are only duplicates of your own genes. What did these children ever ask for? They wanted love, family, and support. But WE kicked them out onto streets like animals just because WE, as adults, were scared of a situation WE weren’t used to.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“It’s alright, kiddo. I’ll love you no matter how you are. No matter if you are gifted or not, your mother and I will love you all the way to the end of forever...”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I liked this rich lifestyle, but I loved the poor lifestyle better. The less money people had, the less greedy they seemed to be. The people who lived around our flocks seemed to always love everyone around them. Even though they aren’t always happy and can’t always afford the bills, they are still glad to be alive.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I thought that love at first sight was something that was only in cheesy movies and romantic novels until that moment.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I don’t say goodbye unless I think it’s final.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“You just love them both and want them to get along. You’re guilty of nothing.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“These children are our future. We were children once. All of us were. Bad bloods are an evolution. They are a mutation, not a disease, and we will all have these special abilities one day. Are we going to kill all of our children then? Are we going to kill our future? Because that is what we are heading towards. A dead future.”
Shannon A Thompson
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“I truly loved her for the short period time that we had been together. I felt as if she was part of my destiny. To see that destiny leave was the most unexplainable feeling. It was also the worst.”
Shannon A Thompson
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