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shannon k. butcher

Bestselling author Shannon K. Butcher, who now writes as Anna Argent, has written more than thirty titles since launching her career in 2007. She has three award-winning series, including the paranormal romance series The Sentinel Wars, the action-romance series The Edge, and the romantic suspense Delta Force Trilogy. Her alter ego Anna Argent also writes several series with a fresh and interesting spin on paranormal romance (The Lost Shards, The Taken and The Stone Men series) as well as a contemporary romance series set in a small town in the Ozarks. As a former engineer and current nerd, she frequently uses charts, graphs and tables to aid her in the mechanics of story design, world building and to keep track of all those colorful characters, magical powers and alternate worlds. An avid bead and glass artist, she spends her free time turning small sparkly bits into larger sparkly bits. She’s rarely on social media, so the best place to find out news about upcoming releases under either name is via her newsletter. You can sign up at

“How can you say that so casually? You're talking about the possible death of hundreds of people, yourself included."He gave a negligent shrug. "Wrong place, wrong time. Life sucks.”
shannon k. butcher
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“You stay here, stay safe." He kissed her forehead and darted out the door, sword in hand." Nika turned to glare at Logan. "You try to stop me and I'll find a dozen new and interesting ways to make you regret it." Logan lifted his elegant hands, a small smile playing at the corners of his luscious mouth. "I would never dare to stand between a woman and the man whom she plans to teach a lesson. I prefer to watch the show.”
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“What's wrong with you?" Nika asks Madoc. He responds, "I'm an incurable asshole.”
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“Awh hell," muttered Drake, "do you do that to all the human women?""No, usually they've started taking their clothes off by now. She's beginning to hurt my feelings." (Logan)"We need to get you a paper bag or a scar or something. (Drake)"Yeah," he said in a dry tone. "I'll get right to work on that."(Helen spellbound-meeting Logan the Vampire for the first time)”
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“Go back to your man whore!" Shouted the old woman, raising her walker for another strike.”
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“Hi." Paul said from her couch, flooding her system with adrenaline. He'd kicked off his shoes and was lounging there as if he had the right to be in her home. "I let myself in. You left the balcony door open." Andrea stopped in her tracks and it took a few seconds to find her tongue. "I never leave my doors unlocked or open." she paused, "and we are three stories up.”
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“She packed a small suitcase with a few clothes and toiletries, then wheeled it to Madoc's suite. She knocked on the door, he opened it part way. "I'm moving in. If you try to keep me out again, I'm going to grab hold of a body part you like and start twisting."”
shannon k. butcher
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“Well, hell,” muttered Drake. “Do you do that to all the human women?”“No. Usually they’ve already started taking off their clothes by now. She’s beginning to hurt my feelings.”“We need to get you a paper bag or a giant scar or something.”“Yeah,” said the man, his tone dry. “I’ll get right to work on that”
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“Handles. That’s all he could think when he saw them. The woman had braided handles into her hair, just begging a man to grab them and guide her head where he wanted it to go. Surely she had to realize that.”
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“Okay. Take a peek, but I swear if you try anything funny, I’ll beat your head in with my flashlight.”
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“It’s my job.”“Then thanks for showing up at work today.”
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“If you hurt her I'll make you pay. I may be old, but that doesn't mean I can't make you suffer.""Damn right. You've got the AARP on your side.”
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“I didn't mean to push your psycho button.”
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“The only guarantee we are given when we are born is that we will die.”
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“Brooke?" he finally found the sense to ask. "What are you doing here?""I need a gun."This was not how his dream was supposed to go.”
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“A person can do incredible things if he or she has enough hope.”
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“Helen had to blink a couple of times before she could stop staring and felt her face warm with embarrassment. There was nowhere to look that that wasn't filled with either man pretty or man manly, so she decided she was better looking at the kitchen floor.”
shannon k. butcher
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