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Shannon Lee Miller

SHANNON LEE MILLER is a Canadian who mysteriously ended up in the Deep South. She spent three years as a songwriter for Appalach Music in Nashville, Tennessee where she pursued superstardom and lonely cowboys. During that time, she also released a record through OnRamp/EMI Records in her home and native land. It received no Grammy nominations. In 2006, she earned an Honors B.A. in History and Celtic Studies from the University of Toronto. Obtaining a degree in Celtic Studies seemed like a lovely idea at the time, but she soon learned that a basic understanding of Scottish Gaelic is not all that important in the business world. She probably should have taken Mandarin. One day, she hopes to complete her master’s degree in History at Harvard or an equally hallowed institution of higher learning. Thus far, she has finished only one graduate course online, but she got a B plus which isn't bad. She currently resides in the dodgy end of nice neighborhood with her very patient husband, two mentally handicapped dogs, and cable television. She is a card-carrying member of the "Bacon of the Month Club" and keeps up with the Kardashians whenever time permits.

“Holding no hand is hard, but holding the wrong one is harder. My body, quite literally, has rejected him. He plants tumors in my mind and in my child-making bits. If I cannot trust him with my cervix, I cannot trust him with my heart.”
Shannon Lee Miller
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