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Sharon Desruisseaux

Sharon Desruisseaux is the author of "Cleopatra Selene, Legacy of the Sun and Moon" and the second edition of that novel which she broke into three books. The first two are currently published and are "Legacy of the Moon" and "Under the Shadow of the Moon". This series “From the Sands of Egypt to Eternity” was inspired by her travels to Egypt and her lifelong interest in ancient Egyptian history. This series takes place in the time when Rome was just establishing its Empire and Egypt had begun to fall into its all-encompassing grasp. The author enthusiastically conveys the reader into the lives of the children of the legendary Cleopatra VII, when they were initially prisoners of Rome, to becoming monarchs under the thumb of Augustus-the first Emperor of Roma Dea. It is the story of Cleopatra Selene and her siblings as they struggle to survive in a world turned upside down. They find a home in Numidia, and then Mauretania, and even venture out to the lands of the Celts of Gaul and Britannia. The author merges all of those fascinating cultures with incredible research into that era that redefines in creative and enterprising detail what life was like for such amazing people well written about in history. It gives one a completely innovative and redefined perspective into that time. Recently, she published her third book of the Series: "The Chronicles of a Dynasty Past", which is an illustrated compilation of the memoires of Cleopatra Selene and letters collected. This is an excellent and detailed account of the first two novels and lines it all into place with dimension.

Ms. Desruisseaux is also the author of a magnificent and witty collection of blogs encompassing her struggles, hardships, and laughter on moving from busy Massachusetts to owning a small farm in the middle of Maine called, "Sharon's Wicked Awesome Blog Book".

In her quest for ancient theology, she has written, "Au Set, the Woman", which is her perspective on how the mythology of ancient Egypt regarding Isis and her siblings, was created from a reality that just might be possible. She situated this series in a time before history was even written giving it a realistic flair for the myth to come alive for the reader in a historical fiction format. She splendidly illustrates Predynastic Egypt intense and vital before the reader's eyes, giving insight into a picture long forgotten and covered in the sands of Kemet. Ms. Desruisseaux has recently published the second edition of this novel called "Au Set of Kemet".

In her quest for searching for her own roots, she discovered a completely new area to write about and thus she has started this with the first historical fiction novel of that series on the early French settlers to Canada in a time before the pilgrims. She found a bold and courageous group of people to write about and has started with the novel, "Le Point de non Retour" or "The Point of no Return". Which is the amazing story of the premier settlers of them all, Louis and Marie Hebert. This series is known as "The Beginning of a Dream".

Always looking for things to write about, the author in her own modern times has not found any lack. For her latest book is about two women who endure a toxic work environment at an insurance agency. They start to settle since the economy leaves them little choice-but then again-it would not make such a good book if they did, would it? In her book "Evil Sells" she gives the women a voice and with it a drive to not be victimized. Do they get even with their employer? Maybe, or do the evil ways of Leo Cyfer overcome their will to be heard? She has also recently published her gothic and literary ghost story of a home in Maine and all encountered there in pure classic literary mode perfect for the wilds of Maine and the eerie haunted home and trials of those living, or not, within the archaic walls. This haunting tome is called, “A Tenacious grasp on Reality.”

The author is diligently working hard on getting thos

“I always choose my own road and it is usually the one not taken by anyone else”
Sharon Desruisseaux
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“Conformity is deformity”
Sharon Desruisseaux
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