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Shay Dawkins

Shay Dawkins is an author, visionary, and entrepreneur (founding three businesses before the age of 24). After publishing his first book six years ago, he found his love and passion for writing. He has conducted several radio interviews throughout the United States and has had several articles published in various news outlets. After six years of great self-discovery experiencing first-hand what works and does not work interpersonally, emotionally (spiritually), and business-wise, Dawkins decided it was time to fully commit to his true love of writing and inspiring others. iSin: Upgrade to Life 2.0, is the second book in his "Intellectual Rebel Series."

Dawkins is a man who strongly believes in the power of an intelligent mind via science, logic, and reason; yet, also believes in the power of emotional intelligence via learning to manipulate and control your emotions by creating healthy thinking habits. Dawkins firmly believes there is a GREAT and LIMITLESS potential residing within all individuals, but most have neglected to REALIZE their GREAT potential because they dwell in sinful (bad) emotions. Few have AWAKENED their LIMITLESS potential because few have learned how to manipulate and use sinful (bad) emotions for their benefit. Very few have UNLEASHED their BOUNDLESS POTENTIAL because very few have learned to create healthy thinking habits; thoughts generate emotions and emotions attract similar emotions. Ultimately emotions create a person's life, for better or for worse. Dawkins offers a Money Back Guarantee to any purchaser who does not find GREAT VALUE in the read!

“A gentleman doesn't have to flex to know that he is strong.”
Shay Dawkins
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