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Shay Leigh

Shay Leigh currently lives in Southern New Mexico with her three sons. She started writing poetry and fan fiction as a child. She still writes poetry, as well as children's stories, YA novels, adult Fantasy novels, and anything else that comes to her.

“I want to show my sins withinTo help make me sinless, once again"What I Want”
Shay Leigh
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“I offer you my soulWithin are my flawsMy grace, my kindnessMy love for you"The Offer”
Shay Leigh
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“I can no longer trust in this loveIt has fallen like the saints aboveAll because of your sweet liesYou sang them like a lullaby"Phoenix”
Shay Leigh
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“Our story has been told,our song has been sung.You're a road I’ve already traveled,and from it, I have moved on."Already Traveled”
Shay Leigh
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“so quiet now my dearest knightyour armor shines white stillfor my lips shall not say the wordsthat make you flee with fear"White Knight”
Shay Leigh
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“And when I feelthe masks beneathcrumble and fade withtime I build new onesto replace the old."Masks"- Sins Within”
Shay Leigh
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