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Shel Silverstein

“It's all the same to the clam.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Anything is possible. Anything can be.”
Shel Silverstein
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“If the track is tough and the hill is rough,THINKING you can just ain't enough!”
Shel Silverstein
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“Birds are flyin' south for winter.Here's the Weird-Bird headin' north,Wings a-flappin', beak a-chatterin',Cold head bobbin' back 'n' forth.He says, "It's not that I like iceOr freezin' winds and snowy ground.It's just sometimes it's kind of niceTo be the only bird in town.”
Shel Silverstein
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“An oak tree and a rosebush grew,Young and green together,Talking the talk of growing things-Wind and water and weather.And while the rosebush sweetly bloomedThe oak tree grew so highThat now it spoke of newer things-Eagles, mountain peaks and sky."I guess you think you're pretty great,"The rose was heard to cry,Screaming as loud as it possibly couldTo the treetop in the sky."And now you have no time for flower talk,Now that you've grown so tall.""It's not so much that I've grown," said the tree,"It's just that you've stayed so small.”
Shel Silverstein
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“I said, "I'll take the T-bone steak."A soft voice mooed, "Oh wow."And I looked up and realizedThe waitress was a cow.I cried, "Mistake--forget the the steak.I'll take the chicken then."I heard a cluck--'twas just my luckThe busboy was a hen.I said, "Okay no, fowl today.I'll have the seafood dish."Then I saw through the kitchen doorThe cook--he was a fish.I screamed, "Is there anyone workin' hereWho's an onion or a beet?No? Your're sure? Okay then friends,A salad's what I'll eat."They looked at me. "Oh,no," they said,"The owner is a cabbage head.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Each time I see the Upside-Down ManStanding in the water,I look at him and start to laugh,Although I shouldn't oughtter.For maybe in another worldAnother timeAnother town,Maybe HE is right side upAnd I am upside down”
Shel Silverstein
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“One picture puzzle pieceLyin' on the sidewalk,One picture puzzle pieceSoakin' in the rain.It might be a button of blueOn the coat of the womanWho lived in a shoe.It might be a magical bean,Or a fold in the redVelvet robe of a queen.It might be the one little biteOf the apple her stepmotherGave to Snow White.It might be the veil of a brideOr a bottle with some evil genie inside.It might be a small tuft of hairOn the big bouncy bellyOf Bobo the Bear.It might be a bit of the cloakOf the Witch of the WestAs she melted to smoke.It might be a shadowy traceOf a tear that runs down an angel's face.Nothing has more possibilitiesThan one old wet picture puzzle piece.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Tell my I'm clever,Tell me I'm kind,Tell me I'm talented,Tell me I'm cute,Tell me I'm sensitive,Graceful and WiseTell me I'm perfect--But tell me the TRUTH.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Somebody has to go polish the stars,They're looking a little bit dull.Somebody has to go polish the stars,For the eagles and starlings and gullsHave all been complaining they're tarnished and worn,They say they want new ones we cannot afford.So please get your ragsAnd your polishing jars,Somebody has to go polish the stars.”
Shel Silverstein
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“There is a place where the sidewalk endsAnd before the street begins,And there the grass grows soft and white,And there the sun burns crimson bright,And there the moon-bird rests from his flightTo cool in the peppermint wind.Let us leave this place where the smoke blows blackAnd the dark street winds and bends.Past the pits where the asphalt flowers growWe shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,And watch where the chalk-white arrows goTo the place where the sidewalk ends.Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,For the children, they mark, and the children, they knowThe place where the sidewalk ends.”
Shel Silverstein
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“You don't have to shoot me," says the young lion. "I will be your rug and I will lie in front of your fireplace and I won't move a muscle and you can sit on me and toast all the marshmallows you want. I love marshmallows.”
Shel Silverstein
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“FROZEN DREAMI'll take the dream I had last nightAnd put it in my freezer,So someday long and far awayWhen I'm an old grey geezer,I'll take it out and thaw it out,This lovely dream I've frozen,And boil it up and sit me downA dip my old cold toes in.”
Shel Silverstein
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“This boat that we just built is just fine - And don't try to tell us it's not The sides and the back are divine - It's the bottom I guess we forgot”
Shel Silverstein
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“Pirate DreamsNeedles and pins, Needles and pins,Sew me a sail to catch me the wind.Sew me a sail strong as the gale,Carpenter, bring out your hammers and nails.Hammers and nails, hammers and nails,Build me a boat to go chasing the whales.Chasing the whales, sailing the blueFind me a captain and sign me a crew.Captain and crew, captain and crew,Take me, oh take me to anywhere new.”
Shel Silverstein
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“INVISIBLE BOYAnd here we see the invisible boyIn his lovely invisible house,Feeding a piece of invisible cheeseTo a little invisible mouse.Oh, what a beautiful picture to see!Will you draw an invisible picture for me?”
Shel Silverstein
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“No DifferenceSmall as a peanut,Big as a giant,We're all the same sizeWhen we turn off the light.Rich as a sultan,Poor as a mite,We're all worth the sameWhen we turn off the light.Red, black or orange,Yellow or white, We all look the sameWhen we turn off the light.So maybe the way, To make everything rightIs for god to just reach outAnd turn off the light!”
Shel Silverstein
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“There's a Polar BearIn our Frigidaire--He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.With his seat in the meatAnd his face in the fishAnd his big hairy pawsIn the buttery dish,He's nibbling the noodles,And munching the rice,He's slurping the soda,He's licking the ice.And he lets out a roarIf you open the door.And it gives me a scareTo know he's in there--That Polary BearIn our Fridgitydaire.”
Shel Silverstein
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“My beard grows down to my toes,I never wears no clothes,I wraps my hairAround my bare,And down the road I goes.”
Shel Silverstein
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“i made myself a snowballAs perfect as can be.I thought I'd keep it as a pet,And let it sleep with me.I made it some pajamasAnd a pillow for it's head.Then last night it ran away,But first - It wet the bed.”
Shel Silverstein
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“I asked the Zebra, are you black with white stripes? Or white with black stripes? And the zebra asked me, Are you good with bad habits?Or are you bad with good habits?Are you noisy with quiet times? Or are you quiet with noisy times? Are you happy with some sad days? Or are you sad with some happy days? Are you neat with some sloppy ways? Or are you sloppy with some neat ways? And on and on and on and on and on and on he went.I’ll never ask a zebra about stripes...again.”
Shel Silverstein
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“would you like to hearthe nighti bravely fought the-no?alright”
Shel Silverstein
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“I cannot go to school today"Said little Peggy Ann McKay."I have the measles and the mumps,A gash, a rash and purple bumps.My mouth is wet, my throat is dry.I'm going blind in my right eye.My tonsils are as big as rocks,I've counted sixteen chicken pox.And there's one more - that's seventeen,And don't you think my face looks green?My leg is cut, my eyes are blue,It might be the instamatic flu.I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,I'm sure that my left leg is broke.My hip hurts when I move my chin,My belly button's caving in.My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained,My 'pendix pains each time it rains.My toes are cold, my toes are numb,I have a sliver in my thumb.My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,I hardly whisper when I speak.My tongue is filling up my mouth,I think my hair is falling out.My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,My temperature is one-o-eight.My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,There's a hole inside my ear.I have a hangnail, and my heart is ...What? What's that? What's that you say?You say today is .............. Saturday?G'bye, I'm going out to play!”
Shel Silverstein
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“everything isn't everything”
Shel Silverstein
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“All The Woulda-Coulda-ShouldasLayin' In The Sun,Talkin' 'Bout The ThingsThey Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda Done...But All Those Woulda-Coulda-ShouldasAll Ran Away And HidFrom One Little Did.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Runny's NicpicOne day Runny BabbitMet little Franny Fog.He said, "Let's have a nicpicDown by the lollow hog."He brought some cutter bookies,Some teanuts and some pea.And what did Franny Fog bring?Her whole fog framily.”
Shel Silverstein
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“One day he said, "I'll tell this townHow it feels to be an unfunny clown."And he told them all why he looked so sad,And he told them all why he felt so bad.He told of Pain and Rain and Cold,He told of Darkness in his soul,And after he finished his tale of woe,Did everyone cry? Oh no, no, no,They laughed until they shook the trees...And while the world laughed outside.Cloony the Clown sat down and cried.”
Shel Silverstein
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“I know a way to stay friends forever,There's really nothing to it,I tell you what to do,And you do it.”
Shel Silverstein
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“The baby batScreamed out in fright,'Turn on the dark,I'm afraid of the light.”
Shel Silverstein
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“When the light turns green, you go. When the light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with orange and lavender spots?”
Shel Silverstein
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“Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark street winds and bends.Past the pits where the asphalt flowers growWe shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,And watch where the chalk-white arrows goTo the place where the sidewalk ends.”
Shel Silverstein
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“why can't you see i'm a kid', said the kid.Why try to make me like you?Why are you hurt when I don't cuddle?Why do you sigh when I splash through a puddle?Why do you scream when I do what I did?Im a kid.”
Shel Silverstein
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“So I'm all of love that could make it today.”
Shel Silverstein
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“MagicSandra’s seen a leprechaun,Eddie touched a troll,Laurie danced with witches once,Charlie found some goblins gold.Donald heard a mermaid sing,Susy spied an elf,But all the magic I have knownI've had to make myself.”
Shel Silverstein
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“EARLY BIRDOh, if you’re a bird, be an early birdAnd catch the worm for your breakfast plate.If you’re a bird, be an early early bird--But if you’re a worm, sleep late.”
Shel Silverstein
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“True storyThis morning I jumped on my horseAnd went for a ride,And some wild outlaws chased meAnd shot me in the side.So I crawled into a wildcats caveTo find a place to hideBut some pirates found me sleeping thereAnd soon they had me tiedTo a pole and built a fireUnder me---I almost criedTill a mermaid came and cut me looseAnd begged to be my brideSo I said id come back WednesdayBut I must admit I lied.Then I ran into a jungle swampBut I forgot my guide And I stepped into some quicksandAnd no matter how hard I triedI couldn’t get out, until I metA watersnake named ClydeWho pulled me to some cannibalsWho planned to have me friedBut an eagle came and swooped me upAnd through the air we fliedBut he dropped me in a boiling lakeA thousand miles wideAnd you’ll never guess what I did then---I DIED”
Shel Silverstein
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“I'm making a listI'm making a list of things I must sayFor politeness,And goodness and kindness and gentlenessSweetness and rightness:HelloPardon meHow are you?Excuse meBless youMay I?Thank youGoodbyeIf you know some that I've forgot,Please stick them in you eye!”
Shel Silverstein
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“It was missing a piece.And it was not happy.So it set off in searchof its missing piece.And as it rolledit sang this song - "Oh I'm lookin' for my missin' pieceI'm lookin' for my missin' pieceHi-dee-ho, here I go,Lookin' for my missin' piece.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Nobody loves me, nobody cares,Nobody picks me peaches and pears.Nobody offers me candy and Cokes,Nobody listens and laughs at me jokes.Nobody helps when I get into a fight,Nobody does all my homework at night.Nobody misses me,Nobody cries,Nobody thinks I'm a wonderful guy.So, if you ask me who's my best friend, in a whiz,I'll stand up and tell you NOBODY is!But yesterday night I got quite a scareI woke up and Nobody just WASN'T there!I called out and reached for Nobody's hand,In the darkness where Nobody usually stands,Then I poked through the house, in each cranny and nook,But I found SOMEBODY each place that I looked.I seached till I'm tired, and now with the dawn,There's no doubt about it-NOBODY'S GONE!!”
Shel Silverstein
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“I will not play at tug o' war.I'd rather play at hug o' war,Where everyone hugsInstead of tugs,Where everyone gigglesAnd rolls on the rug,Where everyone kisses,And everyone grins,And everyone cuddles,And everyone wins.”
Shel Silverstein
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“I've found my missin' piece So grease my knees and fleece my bees I've found my missin' piece!”
Shel Silverstein
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“...I am writing these poems from inside a lion...”
Shel Silverstein
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“If you have to dry the dishes (Such an awful boring chore)If you have to dry the dishes('Stead of going to the store)If you have to dry the dishesAnd you drop one on the floorMaybe they won't let youDry the dishes anymore”
Shel Silverstein
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“Pirate Captain Jim"Walk the plank," says Pirate Jim"But Captain Jim, I cannot swim.""Then you must steer us through the gale.""But Captain Jim, I cannot sail.""Then down with the galley slaves you go.""But Captain Jim, I cannot row.""Then you must be the pirate's clerk.""But Captain Jim, I cannot work.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Once i spoke the language of the flowers,Once i undrestand each word the caterpillar said,Once i smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,”
Shel Silverstein
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“THE BAGPIPE WHO DIDN'T SAY NO It was nine o'clock at midnight at a quarter after three When a turtle met a bagpipe on the shoreside by the sea, And the turtle said, "My dearie, May I sit with you? I'm weary." And the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "I have walked this lonely shore, I have talked to waves and pebbles--but I've never loved before. Will you marry me today, dear? Is it 'No' you're going to say dear?"But the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to his darling, "Please excuse me if I stare, But you have the plaidest skin, dear, And you have the strangest hair.If I begged you pretty please, love, Could I give you just one squeeze, love?" And the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "Ah, you love me. Then confess! Let me whisper in your dainty ear and hold you to my chest." And he cuddled her and teased her And so lovingly he squeezed her. And the bagpipe said, "Aaooga." Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "Did you honk or bray or neigh? For 'Aaooga' when your kissed is such a heartless thing to say. Is it that I have offended? Is it that our love is ended?" And the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "Shall i leave you, darling wife? Shall i waddle off to Woedom? Shall i crawl out of your life? Shall I move, depart and go, dear-- Oh, I beg you tell me 'No' dear!" But the bagpipe didn't say no. So the turtle crept off crying and he ne'er came back no more, And he left the bagpipe lying on that smooth and sandy shore. And some night when tide is low there, Just walk up and say, "Hello, there," And politely ask the bagpipe if this story's really so. I assure you, darling children, the bagpipe won't say "No.”
Shel Silverstein
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“Draw a crazy picture, Write a nutty poem, Sing a mumble-gumble song,Whistle through your comb. Do a loony-goony dance 'Cross the kitchen floor, Put something silly in the world That ain't been there before.”
Shel Silverstein
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“If you are a dreamer come inIf you are a dreamer a wisher a liarA hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyerIf youre a pretender com sit by my fireFor we have some flax golden tales to spinCome in! Come in!”
Shel Silverstein
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“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Shel Silverstein
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