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Shelagh Delaney

“Nothing passes. Everything stays with you. Everything makes it’s mark.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“[JO watches her go, leaning against the doorpost. Then she looks round the room, smiling a little to herself -- she remembers GEOF.]JO: As I was going up Pippin Hill,Pippin Hill was dirty. And there I met a pretty miss,And she dropped me a curtsy.Little miss, pretty miss,Blessings light upon you.If I had half a crown a day,I'd gladly spend it on you.Curtain.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“a woman's got as much right -and more cause- to get drunk than any man”
Shelagh Delaney
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“Has difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction. This girl is a liar. Expect Improvement next term.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“I’m not afraid of the darkness outside. It’s the darkness inside houses I don’t like.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“This isn't such a bad place to be though. I imagine you could get very fond of it from a distance.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“Anything's hard to find if you go around looking for it with your eyes shut.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“Oh! I must take my shoes off. Huh! Hell hath no fury like a woman's corns, has it?”
Shelagh Delaney
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“My usual self is a very unusual self.”
Shelagh Delaney
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“I am here and I am safe and I am sick of it.”
Shelagh Delaney
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