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Shelena Shorts

Shelena Shorts is an alumni of George Mason University where she studied English and Education. She uses her passion for literacy to entertain readers through writing and publishing. When she’s not working, she can be found wherever her super active kids are. Shelena lives in Virginia and is grateful for God's daily blessings.

“What I feel for you runs deeper than my thoughts, and deeper than my heart. The place where I find the most love for you is in my soul.”
Shelena Shorts
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“…we have to make the decision in time, we have to mark it, put it in the envelope, stick a stamp on it, and mail it back. We can’t just decide, but then let the deadline pass, because if we do, it’s like we never made the decision to begin with.”
Shelena Shorts
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“You keep finding me. And I don't know how or why." "You're the one who showed me where you live.”
Shelena Shorts
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“...I realized that happiness could be more—something that elevates from the inside. Butterflies in the stomach, a smile that won't go away, and it's like an addiction that makes a person yearn for more. It‘s not something one thinks about, it‘s something that‘s felt, involuntarily.I had always been a thinker, trying to find happiness and comfort in thoughts and ideas. It was only now that I realized happiness begins in the heart...”
Shelena Shorts
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“You can’t live your life thinking death is going to come all the time. You have to live life and if it comes, then we can only hope we were able to do all the things we wanted. He has to want to do something. Everyone does.”
Shelena Shorts
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“Butterflies in the stomach, a smile that won't go away, and it's like an addiction that makes a person yearn for more. It's not something one thinks about, it's something that's felt, involuntarily.”
Shelena Shorts
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