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Sheryl Young

Sheryl's been freelance writing since 1997 for magazines, newspapers and the internet. Her passion is to write about politics, society and family as they intersect with biblical faith.

Sheryl's articles have been seen in: Yahoo News, The Christian Post, VISTA national Sunday School Curriculum for Wesleyan Publishing, The Underground Online Christian Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Tampa Tribune, St. Pete Times and Florida Baptist Witness Newspapers; Light & Life, Better Nutrition and Today's Christian Woman Magazines;, and more.

Sheryl has a B.A. in Theatre Education, and uses it to lead worship music and seasonal presentations at her church. Standard Publishing has published three of her Bible-based skits. She's been happily married since 1984.

“I had such a hard time giving all the glory to God when first accepting Him as Lord. Coming out of a theatre background where there were many applauds and accolades, I suffered from what I call "attention-itis" - the need for recognition. It took many years and much eating of crow before I became conscious of giving all praise to God for my accomplishments.”
Sheryl Young
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