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Shirley Tallman

Shirley Tallman is an accomplished screenwriter and author who resides with her husband in Eugene, Oregon. She is currently working on various movie projects and the fourth book in the Sarah Woolson series. "

“I find it strange that practicing law in a comfortable well-heated office is considered too demanding an occupation for women, yet laboring from dawn's first light in crowded, drafty, ill-lit sweatshops is not.”
Shirley Tallman
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“Gruffly, he cleared his throat. 'Don't take this as a blanket approval of your tactics, Sarah, but if I'm ever unfortunate enough to get in trouble with the law, I want you to represent me.'Before I could respond to this startling and totally out-of-the-blue compliment, he opened the door and was nudging me inside. I caught a quick glance of his face before he walked off toward the dining room. He was actually blushing!”
Shirley Tallman
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“As a matter of fact, despite your obstinacy, your infernal prying, and the fact that you invariably blurt out whatever comes into your head, regardless of the consequences, I admit that there are times when I find you irresistible, too.' I stared in astonishment at Robert's back as he rose to pay the bill. What in heaven's name, I wondered, did he mean by that?”
Shirley Tallman
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