Shokufeh Kavani = شکوفه کاوانی photo

Shokufeh Kavani = شکوفه کاوانی

Shokufeh Kavani was born in 1970 in Iran - Tehran and experienced the 1979 Islamic Revolution and eight years Iran-Iraq war.

She migrated to Australia in 1997 and gained a bachlore of Nursing. Beside that, she has also started painting. Her paintings are abstract, modern, elegant , colourful and full of energy.Painting has led her to so many challenges. Alongside her friends from different nationalities, she joined a multicultural group by the name of TAH - Togetherness, Art For Humanity - after the Corronella Riots in Sydney which the sale of this group went to an Afghan Charity by the name of Mahbooba's Promise.

For all these humanintarian and artistic activity she has been nominated for " The Australian of the Year Award " in 2005 , 2007 & 2009 and also for " The Pride of Australian Medal " in 2005 & 2007 by The Daily Telegraph newspaper,Sydney,Australia.

She has also been chosen to represent " The Prince Claus Award " to Dr. Michael Mel from Papua New Gunea in 2006 and attened the main " The Prince Claus Ceremony " on Decembre / 2008 and met The Dutch Royal Family and other laurette of the awards.

Besides painting , she has translated two books from English into Persian which has been published , as :

- The Whirling Dervishes,Ira - Shams - Friedlander, 2005, Zaryab Publishers, Tehran , Iran.

- Who am I ? The Diary of Mary Talence , written by Dr. Anita Heiss,2009 , Morvarid Publishers , Tehran, Iran.

She has also translated " The dog and the long winter " written by Shahrnush Parsipur from Persian into English , which is currently looking for publisher.

Her other books are related to Iranian Modern History and Aboriginals of Australia.

She has become one of the recipients of EDNA RYAN AWARDS - Art Category in 2010 which is given by NSW Women's Electoral Lobby.

She currently studies for her postgraduate degree of Genetic Counselling.

“Love changes everything.”
Shokufeh Kavani = شکوفه کاوانی
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“Race is an illusion.”
Shokufeh Kavani = شکوفه کاوانی
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