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Sidney Greidanus

Sidney Greidanus (born 1935) is an American pastor and biblical scholar.

Greidanus studied at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary before obtaining a Th.D. from the Free University in Amsterdam. He served as pastor in the Christian Reformed Church and taught at Calvin College and The King’s College before becoming professor of preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary in 1990.

Greidanus is best known for his emphasis on preaching Christ from Old Testament texts. He has been described as one of the most important and influential authors today in the area of biblical preaching.

“God is the highest Good of the reasonable creature; and the enjoyment of Him is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. The church is the completeness of Christ, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all”
Sidney Greidanus
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“When tempted to sin, I often repeat to myself two truths: holiness brings happiness, and purity brings power.”
Sidney Greidanus
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“Is it possible, that is, to love God no matter what? Job, through three tough tests—the loss of his possessions and children, the loss of his health, and the loss of his friends and their respect—answers in the affirmative. Yes, it is possible. In fact, it is necessary”
Sidney Greidanus
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