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Silvia Hartmann

Born in Germany in 1959, Dr Silvia Hartmann has lived and worked in the UK since 1978. She is also known under the pen name StarFields, which she uses mostly for her fiction works.

Dr Hartmann is the developer and primary designer of Energy Hypnosis, Project Sanctuary, The Genius Symbols, The Harmony Program, EmoTrance, Events Psychology, researcher, author and international lecturer.

With a strong background in applied behaviour, General Semantics and Neuro-Linguistic Programming and over 30 years practical experience in trainings design, Dr Hartmann is well known for her outstanding ability to create original models to serve in 21st Century personal and professional development.

Dr Hartmann has dedicated her life to finding practical answers to humanity's oldest questions, and to find logical solutions to the challenges that arise from being a conscious human in the inexplicable bounty of the Universe. Her work has produced so far a workable definition of emotions, a revolutionary and practical way to work with the human energy system, a new system for magic, and the decoding of the language of metaphor.

Dr Hartmann continues to push forward the boundaries of human excellence research and is best known for her inspiring books and articles, which continue to improve the lives of many.

Dr Hartmann is the current Chairperson of The Association for Meridian & Energy Therapies (The AMT).

“People aren’t broken. They’re just interestingly wired.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Love corrupts and absolute love corrupts absolutely. The unreasonable systems of men, that is.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Energy work is priceless. It makes every day extraordinary and transforms the mundane to the holy.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Nothing that is good can become stuck – and if it is stuck, it can’t be any good!”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Less flapping, more flying!”
Silvia Hartmann
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“The more loving we can be, the more powerful we become.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“You can only change that which you love.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Thinking of love in terms of romance is like thinking of God in terms of a priest.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“To truly learn from someone or something, one must first learn to love them.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“It is the hardest thing of all, the one thing that will show if you have the one true courage. To know that you have failed, that your best efforts have been defeated, to not be able to stand it, to not be able to go on and yet to go on nonetheless.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“You don’t have to solve it, only evolve it!”
Silvia Hartmann
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“As long as it still hurts, it isn’t love yet.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“The most precious thing I have to give is my time.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Why is time more important than money? There is no time lottery where you can hope to win an extra million days ...”
Silvia Hartmann
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“One should not confuse creativity with whining.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Nothing is the same.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“There is nothing more profitable than the extreme avant garde.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“One minute of sincere gratitude can wash away a lifetime’s disappointments.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“If you are HUMAN, then the limit of what you can do, what you learn, what you can experience HAS NOT YET BEEN REACHED.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Play to your strength; then you are always strong.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“You’re not out for the count until you’re dead.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“The less you think and the more you do, the better things tend to become.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“You are the gift that only you would have to give.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“War is the remedy for peace.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Punishment creates crime.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Chaos is complexity viewed through a reductionist filter.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“What could a fool be thinking but further foolishness?”
Silvia Hartmann
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“It is a scientifically proven fact that all scientifically proven facts have originated from original and thereby unproven theories.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“If you fill your mind with wonderful thoughts, there can be no room left for doubt.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“People spend entire lifetimes trying to avoid the things that have already happened.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Making a dream come true is like taking control of an airplane high up in the stratosphere and landing it safely on the ground – a measure of forethought, skill and courage is definitely required.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“Just because you don’t know how on Earth something might be achieved doesn’t mean you shouldn’t allow yourself to really, really want it. That’s the essence of a dream, the realms of magic and of miracles.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“You are not who you think you are.”
Silvia Hartmann
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“It is said that most people judge themselves too harshly. I disagree. If they judged themselves harshly enough, they would come to the conclusion that they’re the last person on Earth to be judging anyone.”
Silvia Hartmann
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