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Simon Holt

Simon Holt's writing career began with a horror fanzine in high school the publishing of which overheated the school's photocopier. Undaunted by detention, he's continues to pursue writing ever since. Holt supported himself as a hostel night clerk and a handbag salesman before becoming a full-time novelist. A comic book collector and amateur musician, he makes his home in Chicago.

“You taste like ass.”
Simon Holt
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“If you don't learn how to be scared, you'll never really learn how to be brave.”
Simon Holt
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“When darkness comes and eats the light,bury your fears on sorry night.Because in the winter's darkest hours,comes the feasting of the Vours.You cannot see it, the life they stole.Your body's there, but not your soul.”
Simon Holt
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“Gina de verdad crees que viniste aquí por tu propia voluntad? Estas atraída hacia mi así como yo así a ti. Tu debilidad es mi fortaleza. Imagina la liberación. Gina..." La voz se sereno,... El poder que crece en el lugar del miedo""Por que escoger un infierno en vida cuando puedo devorar tus miedos y desaparecerlos?""Su miedo te ha devorado el se quedara aquí para siempre" "Porque si hundes bien la nariz y respiras la vida de una rosa, su carnosidad, terrosidad y belleza hueles la muerte que hay dentro...""Solsticio significa: sol detenido, el día mas largo del ano, sol alcanza sus extremos mas meridionales, lo contrario es el solsticio de invierno. El solsticio de verano también representa el renacimiento, un despertar""Solsticio significa: sol detenido, el día mas largo del ano, sol alcanza sus extremos mas meridionales, lo contrario es el solsticio de invierno. El solsticio de verano también representa el renacimiento, un despertar”
Simon Holt
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“Cuando lo oscuridad se desliza y se traga la luz, entierra tus miedos e nla Noche de los Lamentos porque, en la shoras más negras del invierno los Voradores celebran su festín. Nadie podrá ver la vida que robarón; tu cuerpo sigue aquí, pero tu alma ya no...""Merodean en el frío y la oscuridadHambrientos y traviesosEsperan su oportunidad para devorara los débiles en la Nochde los LamentosEs entonces cuando los voradores emprenden su festín con los miedos. Tus miedos. Y roban tu alma,Pero tu cuerpo permanece...y nadie nota la diferencia""Los Voradores nos rodeanUsan nuestros nombres y caras, pero no son nosotros. Lo más peligroso es cuando nos dicen: "No hay nada de que asustarse..." En realidad, es mucho lo que viene por temer""Una vez que se ha ido, no hay regreso. Una vez dentro, no hay salida. En lo oscuro permanecerá, perdido por siempre, entre el miedo y la duda""Su miedo te ha devorado, él se quedará aquí para siempre”
Simon Holt
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“Our sins live with us for eternity, and that is perhaps the most frightening thing of all. - Sims”
Simon Holt
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“If you dont know learn how to be scared, you'll never really learn how to be brave.”
Simon Holt
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“Being scared is practice for being scared.”
Simon Holt
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“They lurk in the cold and dark.Hungry and,wicked,they wait for their one chance to devour the weak on Sorry Night.Then the vours feast on a banquet of fear.Your fear.They steal your soul but your body remains.No one knows the difference.”
Simon Holt
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“Devour your fear.”
Simon Holt
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“Fear is the cancer”
Simon Holt
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“Surrender to your fear so you may triumph over it.”
Simon Holt
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“We can always count on people to hate and to fear.To harm one another and to be harmed.To kill and be killed.It is what opens the gate.”
Simon Holt
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“I know a secret,and secrets breed paranoia.”
Simon Holt
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“Good.I need you to be scared.Very,very scared.And then you'll never be scared again.”
Simon Holt
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“Is my son turning into some kind of monster?”
Simon Holt
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“Cole, for Christ's sake, will you stop staring at me like I'm beefcake of the month?”
Simon Holt
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“I think you inhaled too much lead from those scantron sheets”
Simon Holt
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“It was safe to assume he'd not only read the play but then re-read it, cross-referenced the annotations, and probably joined an online chat group called Buds of the Bard or something equally nerdy”
Simon Holt
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“good people do bad things”
Simon Holt
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“When dark creeps in and eats the light,Bury your fears on Sorry Night.For in the winter's blackest hours,Comes the feasting of the Vours, No one can see it, the life they stole,Your body's here but not your soul...”
Simon Holt
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“The dark has teeth and it will bite,It feasts begins on Sorry Night.When cold and fear are intertwined,They'll chew up your heart and feed on your mind.Where have the souls gone? What do they see?The gateway to Hell's eternity.”
Simon Holt
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“Only a teen girl would be afraid of an evil hairstylist.”
Simon Holt
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“Save the soul, kill the monster.”
Simon Holt
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“They'll come." She did not turn around. "I'll be ready”
Simon Holt
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“What? Quinn's one of them? I just thought he was an a*shole!”
Simon Holt
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“Lusty blacksmiths and naughty princesses. Now that's scary”
Simon Holt
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“If you didn't believe in the possibility, you wouldn't have challenged these creatures. And the minute you start to believe in something, it begins to have power over you.”
Simon Holt
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“We all have a dark side, Reggie. You. Me. The old lady down the street. Henry. Everyone. We make the choice not to embrace it, but the dark is there. It's always there. Inside us.”
Simon Holt
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