Simone Da’ Costa is a writer, author, freelance magazine writer and independent publisher. She believes achieving excellence is the driving force to success.
Simone is a writer who enjoys the compelling feeling that writing brings. In the words of Miss Da Costa ‘Writing is seen as a tool with which to free yourself in a limitless world of playful words while at the same time welcome your ideas, thoughts and imagination onto the page. Most off all, the passion to write is, simply put, inspiring, challenging, enjoying and empowering.'
“Defeat does not mean losing. Rather, a pause, a moment to re-think, re-plan, tore-structure to gain”
“Unlock your futureLock your past”
“The old has diedWhy resurrect the dead?”
“Be careful of sweet talkers, their words are like cavities”
“God is the infinite and eternal judgeWhat others say or think about you is trivial pursuit”
“Rejuvenate your strength, renew your mind, re-invigorate your spirit when you pray each day”
“From our mistakes we gain experiencesFrom those experiences we gain knowledgeFrom the knowledge we gain insight not to again repeat the same plight”
“It’s not in asking you should fear.Fear comes when you don’t ask.”
“Go ahead, celebrate, exude and embrace youWhen you find that special someone you will know when you are being celebrated too.”
“Who says happy endings are only in fairy tales? Pray, believe and wait patiently on God and He will make a fairy tale out of you”
“To succeed. Start by unlocking the gifts and the talents in you To bring out the potential, the power in you”
“Serve your way up to success, not giving it up for success”
“Let integrity fashion your character in all walks of life.As it will shape the person you will become”