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Siobhan Fallon

Siobhan Fallon is the author of the award-winning short story collection, You Know When the Men Are Gone, and the novel, The Confusion of Languages.

Her essays and stories have been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post Magazine, NPR, Stars and Stripes, the anthologies Fire & Forget: Short Stories from the Long War and The Kiss: Intimacies from Writers, among others. Theatrical productions of her work have been performed home and abroad.

Siobhan is the wife of an active-duty Army officer who served three combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Siobhan, her husband, and their two daughters have also spent seven years living in the Middle East and the Gulf.

They now live on the island of Cyprus.

Her work-in-progress is a novel inspired by military spouse Elizabeth “Libbie” Custer: Lieutenant Colonel George Custer’s widow. Siobhan finds there are many similarities between the frontier Army and the issues facing our military today.

Siobhan also has a series on YouTube titled The Lives of the Little Bighorn.

“It was "Boom Boom" Dupont who had ripped Kit out of the Humvee after the IED went off, the IED that turned the entire undercarriage of his truck into a fiery wall that consumed the five men inside.”
Siobhan Fallon
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“I said I don't want to know," Kailani said firmly, her voice suddenly too loud. Cristina sat back into the bench, her eyes wide and disappointed. Then Ana started waving wildly, her small hand arcing for her mother's undivided attention, and, as Kailani watched in silence, the child slipped safely down the slide."Kailani to Cristina”
Siobhan Fallon
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“Be safe, she whispered. Then she closed her eyes and said in a low, broken monotone, "I love you.KailaniSiobhan Fallon”
Siobhan Fallon
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