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Siobhan Vivian

“This was why trusting boys was just like drinking and driving. Sure, some people too the risk. One or two beers never feels dangerous at the time. And now everyone who drives and drinks gets into an accident.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“It's ridiculous, how people judge talent. Or, rather, don't judge. They just default to what everyone else thinks.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Good, stupid high school boys aren't worth It" She throws an arm over my shoulder. "They're trained to like a certain type of girl, with highlights and pretty nails- the kind who are good at remembering to put on lotion every morning after they shower." She smiles like she's got a dirty secret. "And let's face it..... sluts.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Principal Colby puts the tiara on Margo's head.She's surprised by the weight.Obviously the rhinestones wouldn't be diamonds, but Margo had always assumed the tiara would be metal.It isn't.It is plastic.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“No one was more stunned by the choice than her mother, who claimed to the saleswoman that she hadn't seen Danielle that dressed up since her first Communion.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“They don't understand that it's hard to be her, to be shopping with them.Like when Dana had pointed out a pair of jeans that Jennifer HAD to try, before darting into another section. Skinny girls can walk by a table full of pants, piled in high stacks, and peel a pair off the top. Easy. Effortless. But not girls like Jennifer.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Maybe you haven't noticed, but everyone shares the same brain around here. It's like a mass cult. They've all drunk the Kool-Aid.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“All of her aunts said that Bridget looked exactly like her mother as a teenager. Staring at her, Bridget realised she had no memories of her mother being thin.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“That's how inside jokes usually are. Funny to those inside, annoying as shit to the rest of the world.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“It didn't matter if i was the kind of girl who had sex, or the kind of girl who had her portrait on on a wall in the library, or the kind of girl who who got into the best college, or the kind of girl who didn't tell her parents everything, or the kind of girl who teachers loved. I just needed to be okay with all the kinds of girl I was.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Change wasn't something to fear anymore. And even though my picture was hung on the wall, I didn't care so much about how I'd be remembered. So long as I never forgot.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Then again, that's how quickly people's perceptions could change. It only took one mistake, one stupid decision.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Sometimes, when you get something new, you trick yourself into believing it has the power to change absolutely everything about you.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“From the floor, I see the tops of the Philadelphia skyline out of her window. Staring at it, I realize that the night sky isn't really black, which is the way I've always thought of it. It's actually a dark shade of blue, the darkest possible.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Fall colors are funny. They’re so bright and intense and beautiful. It’s like nature is trying to fill you up with color, to saturate you so you can stockpile it before winter turns everything muted and dreary.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“You see, the best thing about wrong decisions is that they don’t prevent you from making the right decisions later on. It’s harder, but it’s not impossible.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“Are these the friends and life i want to have?”
Siobhan Vivian
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“You're the one who made it seem like we were doing something wrong. Maybe you still feel like that, because for whatever reason, you think I'm not good enough for you. But I like you, okay? I've liked you from the very beginning.""It was never going anywhere""Because you wouldn't let it go anywhere.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“I let myself have feelings for you despite not knowing how this would end.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“I never want to be suspended in the limbo of non-decision again. It's like torturing yourself on purpose.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“It's embarrassing, how much effort it took for me to wear something that looks exactly like a blank piece of paper.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“If there's one thing I've discovered, it's that stifling yourself will only lead to more misery. [...] I polluted all other happiness because I was afraid to let myself create and change. You have to have courage. Real courage to explore, to fail, and to pick yourself back up again.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“You can decorate absence however you want- but your still gonna feel what’s missing.”
Siobhan Vivian
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“This is your reminder to wear your heart on your sleeve more often.”
Siobhan Vivian
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