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Sir Awesome

“I think one of humankind's greatest recurring mistakes is that we don't recognize the full extent of a creature's love until it is gone.”
Sir Awesome
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“Always stop to smell the roses. If there are no roses available, scented candle should work.”
Sir Awesome
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“I wonder if animals have whole different levels of diabetes. Like, cats would have type 3 & 4, dogs would have type 5 & 6, and marmosets would be, like, type 78.”
Sir Awesome
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“Always be yourself. Unless you can be Darth Batman. Always be Darth Batman.”
Sir Awesome
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“Food+TV+internet connection+music=PERFECT LIFE!!”
Sir Awesome
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“YOU WERE A MISTAKE!! Oh, crap, I just realized thats an awful thing to say...”
Sir Awesome
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