Sir John Pentland Mahaffy photo

Sir John Pentland Mahaffy

Irish classicist and polymathic scholar.

Mahaffy held a chair in Ancient History at Trinity from 1871, and eventually became Provost in 1914, at the age of 75. He was a distinguished classicist and papyrologist as well as a Doctor of Music. He wrote the music for the Grace in chapel. Mahaffy, a man of great versatility, published numerous works across a range of subjects, some of which, especially those dealing with the 'Silver Age' of Greece, became standard authorities.

He was High Sheriff of County Monaghan for 1900 and a Justice of the Peace for county Dublin. He was president of the Royal Irish Academy from 1911 to 1916.

“In Ireland the inevitable never happens and the unexpected constantly occurs.”
Sir John Pentland Mahaffy
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