S.K.N. Hammerstone photo

S.K.N. Hammerstone

I have been reading for longer than I can remember and probably writing for about the same amount of time.

My favorite genre is paranormal, and not the light kind. The dark and wickedly evil kind.

I have a thing for angels, but not necessarily demons.

I think prophecy and seers and everything to do with the future is fascinating.

Vampires must be bloodthirsty and viscous and werewolves must change on the full moon.

I was born under the cancer sign and am considered a moon child which is probably why I do my best thinking at night.

I am usually an epic fail at poetry and rarely try to write it but if you are curious to see the atrocity that is my attempts, there are two poems in my writing.

My favorite colors are black, ruby red, and deep green.

I am always willing to talk so pm me, friend me, follow me, or comment on something on my page whenever you want.

cogito ergo sum

“She had gone through the veil and returned to Earth. But the veil only opens one way.”
S.K.N. Hammerstone
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“Death walks among us”
S.K.N. Hammerstone
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“Death was a living creature. Death was a man tormented by his past. Death was once a human.”
S.K.N. Hammerstone
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