Skyla Madi is a twenty-something international bestselling author of a mixed bag of hot romance!
Though signed with Hawaiian based publishing companies, Limitless Publishing & Crave publishing, Skyla lives in sunny Queensland, Australia, where she spends most her time indoors writing with one hand and raising her three children with the other.
Other hobbies and passions include:
- Drinking coffee
- Reading romance
- Eating cake
- and writing for her husband's independent comic book series.
Join my Minxes:
Instagram: skylamadi (
“Life comes at you hard and fast, it doesn’t slow for anybody. It weathers you, destroys you. It breaks down your mind, body, and soul until there’s nothing left. Then what?”
“You love who you love and that’s who you love.”
“If not for love, then what else?”
“His words hit me. He knew about Mila’s and Gabriel’s love… perhaps he could change things. If he did, Eli and I could be together freely, but until then there was no happy ending. I could feel it. The love that Eli and I have was great, but when has any great love in history ended well? Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, or Tristan and Isolde? Each and every one ended in tragedy, be it death or banishment.”
“Knowing that someone here cared aboutme was like being given a box of matches when you’re stranded on a cold, deserted island.”
“You don’t look beautiful.” Hunter smiled as the cool night air hit my face.“Thanks.”“You look sexy.”
“You know, at least Gabriel showed up announced like a gentleman. He even told Mila that she looked beautiful. You and your toothpick just show up, scaring me half to death.”
“That's the thing with keeping up appearances, Rose; people will do anything to get one and anything to keep one.”
“I wanted a guy who made my stomach flutter, who was polite and respectful to everyone because he didn't think of anybody as beneath him, a man who did good things not because of what he’d gain but simply because it was the right thing to do. I wanted someone that cared about the injustices of the world and tried to help even if the issue didn't affect his life.”
“Sometimes, I have to look twice at you just to see if you’re actually real. That much beauty is dangerous.”
“Brilliance is impossible without a touch of insanity.”