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S.L. Naeole

S.L. Naeole has always loved the smell of books, the feel of books, and the destination that a book is guaranteed to take you. She knew from an early age that she was meant to write, to create those very same books she loved so much and vowed that one day, she would.

Now, after getting married and starting a family, she has finally made her dream come true. As the author of Falling From Grace, she's found a venue with which to allow her dreams to become the reader's, and transport them to worlds and lives where fantasy and reality blend seamlessly. With several more books in the works, including three sequels to Falling From Grace, she's hoping to give to her fans the same desire and affection for the written word that she had as a child.

S.L. Naeole writes from her home in Hawai'i, with her husband, four children, and cat by her side cheering her on and providing endless amounts of inspiration.

Her third book, Black Halo, book three in the Grace Series, is due to be released August 31st, 2010.

“And then I'd punch him in the neck. Twice. Because I like even numbers.”
S.L. Naeole
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“He looked at me as if I had some kind of 'I hate penises' sign on my forehead.”
S.L. Naeole
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“But her brown eyes made me stop breathing. They made me stop thinking. It was like a sick game and I wanted out of it because I knew I'd lose.”
S.L. Naeole
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“She seemed to be everywhere, even if she never went anywhere.”
S.L. Naeole
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“The terminals were so corroded it looked like some kind of alien had taken a dump on the battery and then decided to play with it.”
S.L. Naeole
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“But still we rode; rode that ferry for the lies and the dreams we didn't want to die because we were kids, and kids live on dreams.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Who do you think you are?" She sneered. "Are you her lover or something?"I nodded. "Yeah. Wanna watch?”
S.L. Naeole
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“She opened [the door] and slipped outside easily, while I clomped like a drunken racehorse after her.”
S.L. Naeole
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“When I came out, Jackson was laying out a few things on the bed. "What are you doing?"He smiled sheepishly and pointed out a few candles, a bottle of some pinkish liquid, and a bottle of what I could only assume was champagne. "I thought I'd get everything ready so that when we came back after dinner, there'd be nothing to ruin the flow.""Oh." Flow? What was this supposed to be, the virgin pipeline? "Good thinking.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Their football team moved like some kind of machine, perfect and well-oiled. Their cheerleaders were like springs, bouncing and flipping and woo-wooing with their perfect bodies, perfect cheers, and perfect...pom-poms.”
S.L. Naeole
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“And you think that that's going to fix everything? That all of your problems are going to be solved because you gave him a serving of cherry pie?" She was looking at me like I had lost my mind. Perhaps I had.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Love takes no prisoners, it knows no mercy; it will suffocate you with its truth.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Denying that you’re in denial is being in denial and is utterly redundant.”
S.L. Naeole
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“I think I like this...being the only one here who knows the beautiful secret that lies underneath these little brown masks”
S.L. Naeole
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“Grace, you can accept my secrets, my horrors and my friendship but not a simple dress?" Robert asked, hearing my thoughts. - Falling From Grace”
S.L. Naeole
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“Robert, I’m sorry that you feel so strange, but I’m not sorry that you’re feeling it because of me,” I whispered, my heart feeling a familiar twinge as I continued, “but even if you hadn’t felt it, it would not change the way I feel about you.”
S.L. Naeole
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“With you,love is a trophy that comes in different sizes, and you're always trying to get the biggest one out there. Mine wasn't the biggest, or the shiniest. For me, love is a ribbon. It doesn't matter what color or size it is, as long as I can pin it to my heart”
S.L. Naeole
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“He sleeps with you?""Robert?"Stacey rolled her eyes at that. "No, Ghandi-of course Robert!”
S.L. Naeole
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“I held my breath, and refused to blink; he placed his hand on the bed to brace himself as he leaned towards me. Slowly, carefully, his lips--soft, warm, and perfect--found their way to mine. I want to say that it was magical, that I saw rainbows and fairy dust or something fantastic like that, but I couldn't. It was more. Much more. It was as though the world has fallen down around us, and everything was frozen in ice. But I wasn't cold. I was blazing hot, the fire starting where our lips joined, where angel met mortal, and I could feel the flames flickering out towards the limbs that I was fighting with desperately to keep still, not wanting them to latch onto him, not wanting to seem out of control because at that moment, I would have given anything to be just that.”
S.L. Naeole
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“I nestled my face closer to his neck, wanting to smell his skin, lose myself in the scent and feel of him as we swayed slowly to the beat of music I couldn't hear because his voice was in my mind...and it was the only sound I ever wanted to hear again.”
S.L. Naeole
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“When I'm not around you that is when I feel breathless. I liken it to being a fish, and you are my water. When I'm not around you, I feel as though I cannot breathe. And you have to understand the irony in that because I've never in my entire existence ever needed to.”
S.L. Naeole
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“It's my heart. It is the same as yours. I shook my head. No it isn't. Your heart has beaten for fifteen hundred years--and will continue to beat for at least another fifteen hundred--while mine will be lucky to beat for as long as Ellie's has. He kissed my hair and then pressed his cheek against my head. I will see to it that it beats for as long as possible.”
S.L. Naeole
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“The full impact of silver--liquid fire, hot and flowing hit me hard in that place in your belly that doesn't exist for food, but for something else entirely. It exists solely to possess the feeling that it barely held in check right then. I don't know what it was. I don't think it has a name.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Normal people don't date angels.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Before I succumbed to the sweet lull of his voice, I made one last request. "Stay".I was asleep before he could answer, but in my dreams I heard him reply forever.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Breathing is...difficult at the moment.Breathing is a necessity for you humans, and if kissing you causes you to have difficulties, I might have to refrain from doing it again.”
S.L. Naeole
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“If I could make you happy, then I'd be a prince. If I could get you to love me, then I'd be a king. If I could spend the rest of my life loving you, then I'd be in heaven. And now that I have you here, knowing that you are happy and that I'm the reason, knowing that you love me, and knowing that I will spend the rest of my life loving you, I understand what it truly means to be blessed.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Love wasn't meant to be rational. It was meant to be experienced and felt.”
S.L. Naeole
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“You're my grand and my torment ... you are my life and my love.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Normal is overrated and experience. Being just like everyone else, getting lost in the crowd is nothing to strive for.”
S.L. Naeole
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“But with you, whenever I'm with you, whenever I'm able to touch you and smell you, hear your voice, your thoughts, I feel like I've never truly known what being blessed was.”
S.L. Naeole
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“The death of these people might have changed the world, Grace, so we might have changed the world, Grace, so we sometimes have to look at death not as something sad, but as something to be glad for. Sometimes death changes our lives in ways we never expect. It can bring with it every emotion; we have to learn to recognize the ones that help us and the ones that hurt us. And we also have to be willing to accept that with everything else, death also brings with it love. That is why we must always be grateful and appreciate it, even if it brings some sadness with it.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Because the plan God has for each of our lives isn't always the same plan we have for ourselves, Grace. Sometimes, our deaths have more of an impact than our births. It can inspire people to do great things, even greater than they would have had the deaths not happened at all.”
S.L. Naeole
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“You are my home. Wherever you are, that's where I'm meant to be.”
S.L. Naeole
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“This was what miracles were about. A kiss from nowhere, for no reason, that held every promise known to man.”
S.L. Naeole
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“Sometimes the things we dream about are merely the heart's way of protecting us from what we really want, and what we're really afraid to lose.”
S.L. Naeole
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