Sofía Macías was born in Mexico City on Augist 25, 1984. She became cover editor for "El Economista" (The Economist) and in February 2008 she started the blog "Pequeño Cerdo Capitalista" (Small Capitalist Pig)(http://pequenocerdocapitalista), that is dedicated to topics of personal finances translated to the language of mortals (simple humans without a PHD in Economics) which she keeps uptading weekly to the date.

The author studied a MBA in Business Administration en the École Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes, in France and a degree in Journalism of the School of Journalism Carlos Septién Gercía. She has been skopewoman and responsible of the content of "Consumo Inteligente", MasterCard's program of financial education and she collaborates with the magazines Expansión (Expansion), Dinero Inteligente (Inteligent Money) and Entrepreneur.

“Lo que te gastas de mas hoy en cosas Que no te importan tanto le roban dinero a aquellas que realmente quieres para tu futuro”
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