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Sohail Mahmood

“A few minutes of solitude in majestic nature is bliss and is food for the soul. Lucky are the ones who can have it for they have indeed enriched their souls. People too busy to take time out for these moments to connect with their souls through nature have definitely suffered unknowingly. So take heed and take time out each day to connect with nature for that is food for the soul.”
Sohail Mahmood
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“The only worthwhile constant in human existence is our heart which can only be nourished by sincere love. A good strong heart radiates love in all directions perpetually. The heart is also the most fragile of human existence. Therefore, take good care of it. Give it constant love.”
Sohail Mahmood
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“You really are a soul caged in a human body. The body decays but the soul is everlasting. Leave a legacy you can be proud of. Make a difference in this world now while you still can. Even after you have left your soul shall remain. You will still know.”
Sohail Mahmood
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“Once the windows of the mind are opened, they can never be closed. Let the fresh breeze of thoughts come in now.”
Sohail Mahmood
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“Don't wait for good things to happen. Do whatever you can, wherever, and however. You will be surprised when good things follow.”
Sohail Mahmood
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