My name’s Sophia, and I write about girls discovering their inner power. Sometimes they’re fashion designers, sometimes they’re would-be pop stars and sometimes they’re spies. They’re always a lot braver than they know, and I love it when they finally figure that out.
Since I won the Times/Chicken House competition in 2009 my books have been published around the world, from Germany to Brazil and Japan. When I’m not writing them, I tend to be at home in London with my family, or travelling around the place, talking about writing. (More about that here … ) As a writing teacher, I have been a visiting lecturer in writing for children at City University and City Lit, and a Consultant Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund.
Occasionally, people ask me what my advice would be to aspiring writers. Check out my writing tips page, on my website. Write every day, and rewrite even more. Follow your heart.
“I think I'm supposed to "take a sad song and make it better," but that's beyond my musical ability”
“It's funny how you can share a flat with someone and still miss them so much.”
“He's leaning in towards me. He's looking at my lips. They've probably got hot chocolate foam on them or something, but I can't seem to move any of my muscles to wipe it off.”