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Sorin Cerin

Sorin Cerin [sˈɔːɹɪn sˈɛɹɪn], [sˈɔːɹɪn sˈɛɹɪn], [sˈɔːɹɪ_n sˈɛɹɪ_n] (born Sorin Hodorogea) is a Romanian Philosopher and Logician, creator of the Philosophical Works of Coaxialism, Essayist and Author of the monumental work entitled Wisdom Collection, considered one of the most prominent thinkers of the gnomic genre in the world, also a remarkable Existentialist Poet of the 21st century and Novelist of Balkan and Greek origin (born November 25, 1963, Baia Mare, Romania). Sorin Cerin is an existentialist poet whose existentialist philosophical poems are quoted by specialists alongside philosophers, poets and existentialist authors such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre or Kierkegaard but also the author of a new philosophical system called Coaxialism. Sorin Cerin is especially sought after by the general public, among existentialist poets and philosophers, both for his existentialist philosophical poems that focus mainly on Love, Existence, Illusion, the Absurd or Death, and for philosophical aphorisms, structured in several volumes, and previously published in various publishing houses, to be later reunited under the aegis of a single monumental volume, entitled Wisdom Collection.This title first appeared in 2009, which together with the future editions of Sorin Cerin's Wisdom Collections from the following years, brought him fame and international recognition, for which, Sorin Cerin, is considered to be one of the most representative existentialist philosophers and poets, but, also author of wisdom, author of philosophical aphorisms or thinker of the sapiential genre, worldwide.Many philosophical aphorisms from Wisdom Collection,, are selected in various publications or prestigious anthologies of the world.

The Foundation of the Society of French Poets awards Sorin Cerin the Mompezat Prize, Paris, France, 2021 for a collection of poems "The non-sense of existence and eternity"



“Emptiness is the worlds greatest discovery”
Sorin Cerin
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“ The well of your soul will not experience the drought until in front of her will appear the moment of eternity to drink from the water of death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“To be is the greatest paradox of life facing death. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ We are beings only in the extent of Our Life's Illusion. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“We will never be more that we have been destined to be! ”
Sorin Cerin
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“The meaning of the words is necessary and not their extent. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“Without the absolute truth, to know the truth value of our own existence is beyond our strengths/limits/possibilities. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ Our entire life worth's less than one moment of the absolute's truth vanity. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ We are unable to envision death without the life within us which full aware of it. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ TO BE is life's dilemma while facing the eternity of death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Who can say what love at the feet of the absolute truth means? ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ Is there anyone that knows the absolute truth? ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ The absolute truth is one for an infinity of possible relative truths which lie. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ The truth can only be absolute as any relativity may include the untruth towards the system of reference where it varies.”
Sorin Cerin
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“To breath through the truth is not the same with knowing it. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“Whoever lost the truth has lost him/her self. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ No one can surely know what knowledge is without the presence of truth.”
Sorin Cerin
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“If life is merely an illusion what can her truth be? ”
Sorin Cerin
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“Eternity is the stopped heart of Time.”
Sorin Cerin
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“ We should all have the freedom to die with majesty in an unworthy life which was subjected to sin and vanity. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“ When you love you give meaning to this world. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“The ending can only start with the beginning and end with self estrangement, as to become once again his own/old self. This is why every man is a continuous ending. ”
Sorin Cerin
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“Why is man the being who won in the world of emptiness, dethroning all animal species? For he is closest to the perfection of emptiness.”
Sorin Cerin
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“With what can we feed the soul in the world of emptiness other than with prayer?”
Sorin Cerin
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“We are in the world where the longing mountains are the most grounded.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Emptiness is this world’s greatest discovery. Who has chosen this kind world for us and why?”
Sorin Cerin
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“We live behind the closed doors of our own destiny.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Who has chosen this kind world for us and why?”
Sorin Cerin
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“How many consuming fires can there be in the words: freedom, peace and democracy and how easy they can be extinguished by ignorance, stupidity and arrogance?”
Sorin Cerin
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“What can we do without pain in front of happiness?”
Sorin Cerin
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“I know none of Time’s cardinal pillar on which it says forever just because eternity is not Time anymore.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Immortality goes through dead before all.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Who knows the life which does not burn its own time moments?”
Sorin Cerin
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“The field of the soul must be watered by the rain with tears of love; otherwise it will become a desert.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Please, dear God of happiness, show the radiance of your spectrum to our world, which here means to forget everything.”
Sorin Cerin
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“The dawn of beauty always comes after night.”
Sorin Cerin
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“There is no longer waiting for anyone, but for death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“The world of an animal is reduced to its perimeter. Human world is reduced to its perimeter, but does the world of God have perimeters? If it does then it is not infinite, but if it doesn’t, it means that this is not a world.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Knowledge’s surest logic is the lack of knowledge.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Why is man obliged to learn ignorance?”
Sorin Cerin
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“Are we the wreck or the ship of God's Word?”
Sorin Cerin
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“\ Who can know the absolute truth of illusion or emptiness? That is why we feel the fulfilled sense of this world.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Only in the eyes of love you can find infinity.”
Sorin Cerin
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“There is no better guide to this world than oblivion.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We pass through Time from birth in order to have from where to come, together with death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“tears,love,life Who knows how many tears have flown in the Word of God from the creation of the world?”
Sorin Cerin
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“You can just be your self’s stranger, never its friend, because you are mortal and it is immortal!”
Sorin Cerin
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“No matter how many leaves would the tree of your soul have in front of the intense heat in the words of Time in this world, they can never shade the eternity lost inside you.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Between world and animal are fewer questions than between man and world. How many such questions are there in God's Word?”
Sorin Cerin
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“The only advantage of knowledge is that it can justify suffering.”
Sorin Cerin
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