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Sorin Cerin

Sorin Cerin [sˈɔːɹɪn sˈɛɹɪn], [sˈɔːɹɪn sˈɛɹɪn], [sˈɔːɹɪ_n sˈɛɹɪ_n] (born Sorin Hodorogea) is a Romanian Philosopher and Logician, creator of the Philosophical Works of Coaxialism, Essayist and Author of the monumental work entitled Wisdom Collection, considered one of the most prominent thinkers of the gnomic genre in the world, also a remarkable Existentialist Poet of the 21st century and Novelist of Balkan and Greek origin (born November 25, 1963, Baia Mare, Romania). Sorin Cerin is an existentialist poet whose existentialist philosophical poems are quoted by specialists alongside philosophers, poets and existentialist authors such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre or Kierkegaard but also the author of a new philosophical system called Coaxialism. Sorin Cerin is especially sought after by the general public, among existentialist poets and philosophers, both for his existentialist philosophical poems that focus mainly on Love, Existence, Illusion, the Absurd or Death, and for philosophical aphorisms, structured in several volumes, and previously published in various publishing houses, to be later reunited under the aegis of a single monumental volume, entitled Wisdom Collection.This title first appeared in 2009, which together with the future editions of Sorin Cerin's Wisdom Collections from the following years, brought him fame and international recognition, for which, Sorin Cerin, is considered to be one of the most representative existentialist philosophers and poets, but, also author of wisdom, author of philosophical aphorisms or thinker of the sapiential genre, worldwide.Many philosophical aphorisms from Wisdom Collection,, are selected in various publications or prestigious anthologies of the world.

The Foundation of the Society of French Poets awards Sorin Cerin the Mompezat Prize, Paris, France, 2021 for a collection of poems "The non-sense of existence and eternity"



“Do not walk away from death because you came out of it.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Has anyone succeeded in being his own desire?”
Sorin Cerin
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“Do not rummage through your thought’s drawer because you will be ever more disorientated than they are.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Nobody will ever be able to understand the meaning of the measure of his own words.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We hope that we will live only because we must be with God, as alive as He is.”
Sorin Cerin
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“There are no names that do not desire fame because we come from God.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Who can say that he is not everything?”
Sorin Cerin
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“Love, I know you before all times!”
Sorin Cerin
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“The poetry of love is the greatest gift God gave us.”
Sorin Cerin
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“How many truths pass wrecking through the Illusion of Life, but none of them is an absolute truth therefore the real truth!”
Sorin Cerin
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“No tiredness can destroy hope like death can, as the absolute fatigue of life.”
Sorin Cerin
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“What shell did not feel the sound waves and which bird did not face at least once the wind?”
Sorin Cerin
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“Do not be to yourself more that God may be to you.”
Sorin Cerin
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“The Epistle of our being is written with letters full of blood drained from the love of God's Word.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We are angrier with the sky than with our actions.”
Sorin Cerin
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“When clouds will become heavier than the land in us led our entire life by the steps of our Destiny, we will understand that not their moments’ rain has darkened the sun of our life, but the failure to be ourselves.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We are dust furrowed by the painful plough of Destiny to give birth to the emptiness of a time.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Where else is the gate of life if not in the eyes of your soul?”
Sorin Cerin
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“How much soul can include the self-salvation of sin?”
Sorin Cerin
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“The soul is a prolonged anniversary of our lives in this world.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We can never succeed in knowing our own self without holidays and anniversaries.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Saints are those who managed to love more than we did.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Heroes are the saints of every nation.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Being brave in front of faith does not mean to be humble before death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“No one can be alone when he befriends with the forgotten stranger inside him.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Nothing can be more painful than the cry of the word which gave us the inspiration to dream of love.”
Sorin Cerin
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“There are not wings of dreams that have not previously dealt with the flight of black thoughts.”
Sorin Cerin
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“However deaf the ring of our love bells should strike they will eventually disperse this world’s emptiness clouds.”
Sorin Cerin
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“I have reached this world’s dreams harbor as devoid of truth as any other soul that dreams it lives through knowledge.”
Sorin Cerin
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“I adore you, my greatest love, as only through you I can find my moment’s eternity.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We cannot conceive death as anything else than the afterlife because we cannot comprehend death unless we live.”
Sorin Cerin
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“One will never find in the waterfall of sights anything else than the Illusion of Life, which falls in torrents on the granite rocks of the souls.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Nobody has ever been beyond his own Illusion of Life.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Does somebody know why the consciousness of death has to die?”
Sorin Cerin
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“Who can hide himself from death or who can embrace the wind?”
Sorin Cerin
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“We are a dream of a thought which lives trough the Word.”
Sorin Cerin
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“The leaves of hopes which have destined words in the body of the thought have settled to the ground. This is the world.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Of how much light will my destiny’s eyes have to become aware until it will come true in death?”
Sorin Cerin
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“However much we would adore the past it will forever die in the future with us.”
Sorin Cerin
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“The one who did not understood that his time’s root supports his life tree was born in vain.”
Sorin Cerin
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“All the roads of life end in death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“If you combine the suffering’s great color palette you will find happiness as well.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Nobody can open the gates of death without closing them again after him.”
Sorin Cerin
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“All the stars in the sky cannot worth as much as yours only because it belongs to you.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We have a lot of thoughts throughout our entire life, but ultimately we get all to the conclusion of a single thought: Death!”
Sorin Cerin
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“Just the inexplicable wants to be understood within the nonsense of emptiness that belongs to this world of illusion.”
Sorin Cerin
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“We are born more dead than when we die after we have searched death through the storm of the instants of our entire life.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Your soul fountain will never drain until the instant of eternity will halt before it to drink the water of death.”
Sorin Cerin
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“To believe in what you don’t know is as true as to believe in what you do know as long as life is an illusion.”
Sorin Cerin
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“Being is the greatest paradox of life in front of death.”
Sorin Cerin
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