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S.P. Wilcox

I am a Southern California native. I grew up here and I have been living with my family in the city of Orange for 15 years. I have 4 children. 3 boys and 1 girl.

I spend most of my time taking care of my family. Although I find plenty of time to read and write. I have come to learn I have a rather intense reading addiction. I adore a book with great angst between the characters. Not all of the books end in a happily ever after but that is okay.

I love a good movie but only comedies. I don't like scary movies or ferris wheels.

A great day for me is spending time with my family and friends on the beach having a wonderful time.

“From Not Another Wish-My heart was beating super super fast as I went down the escalator. Before I even hit the bottom I could see him, I swallowed really hard, my smile coming across my face. I couldn’t have stopped smiling if I tried. I started to blush, when I saw his face, god he is gorgeous. His hair a little longer, his skin not as tan, his eyes twinkling with excitement and his grin wide. He was wearing faded jeans, which made him look delicious, boots and a Yale sweatshirt. He was holding a sign, SYDNEY STANTON. I laughed as I got off the escalator, he grabbed my carryon bag and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me, hugging me, my heart filling with happiness, this was the right decision.”
S.P. Wilcox
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“I am not letting you go this time. I will fight for you to give me another chance. I don’t know if you are seeing someone else, or you really are as busy with work as you say, but I am not losing you again.” He lowered his head, overtaking my body with his. His kiss this time was earth moving. His lips were relentless marking me, reminding me of how wonderful he makes me feel. -Grant Montgomery-Not Another Wish”
S.P. Wilcox
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“One of many yummy encounters between Sydney and Grant, “No panties?” he whispered. I smiled wickedly, “I told you...you would not get into my panties, I never said anything about my jeans!” He started to laugh and lifted me up, still straddling him, carrying me with my legs wrapped around his waist to his bedroom.”
S.P. Wilcox
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“From Wishful Thinking...Sydney's first siting of her soon to be love interest, "as I gazed across the fire the hairs on the back of my neck began to tickle and stand on end. I watched as he gripped his beer bottle with a strong, sun tanned hand. My eyes followed up his arm and even through the flames I could see strong muscles rippling beneath the thin t-shirt he was wearing. As my eyes continued up, I saw a strong jaw, big smile, deep brown eyes, and short dark brown hair, which looked freshly cut. Not too short though, just enough to put your hands through and tug a little.”
S.P. Wilcox
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